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Welcome @chefj, I've never been on Methotrexate for my PMR. Hoping other members on Methotrexate can share their experience with you. The Arthritis Foundation has some information on the side effects that may be helpful.

"Up to one-third develop mouth ulcers or sores. Many also complain of headaches, fatigue and an overall “blah” feeling. This is sometimes called “methotrexate fog,” and can occur a day after receiving a dose of methotrexate (which is taken in pill form or injected once a week)." --- Methotrexate: Managing Side Effects - Arthritis Foundation: https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/treatment/treatment-plan/disease-management/methotrexate-managing-side-effects

How are you handling the fatigue now?

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Replies to "Welcome @chefj, I've never been on Methotrexate for my PMR. Hoping other members on Methotrexate can..."

Thanks, John. Somedays I just give in and take naps, but still manage to be exhausted early in the evenings. Other days, I try to jut keep myself busy and I think that almost works better. Altho, I do feel exhausted early in the evening. Having issues with low pressure and light-headness that no one can to figure out. Thought it might be a side-effect of the Methotrexate since it started about the same time. Docs don't seem to think it is connected.

Just a little more info ---- both of my doctors --- PCP and RA specialist have stated that I MUST take a daily Folic Acid pill -- My Methotrexate, I take 8 / 2.5 mg - 1 day a week --- Folic Acid is every day ---