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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 23 hours ago | Replies (2464)

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Even here, on the temperate Oregon coast, we had (for us) extremely cold weather...in the 40s...for the past several days. There was a bit of snow visible from town, just east on the higher hills north of town. This is something I've almost never seen here, even in December or January. A week ago, I did a fish spawning survey where I was cold all day, first time that's ever happened in the 30 years I've been collecting data on the same river. We did see fish spawning, although it was hard due to the hail! Rained or hailed most of the day, so all six miles of the hike were cold and wet. On the way back toward the car, my hands were so cold that I had trouble grasping my stick and the rope we've hung to help us cross the big landslide. Before this cold, I was thinking it was time to go over my big flowerbed a second time, as some tufts of grass and small weeds have found new homes there; I mowed part of the acre I mow because the grass was nearly dry. Shirt sleeve weather, followed by days of cold we're just not used to.

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Replies to "Even here, on the temperate Oregon coast, we had (for us) extremely cold weather...in the 40s...for..."

@joyces, @sunny617, @loribmt, and all...My word, ladies! What's happening to your weather? I'm in northern Florida. We had a late hard freeze I mentioned in March, something I can't remember happening so late. It May have killed my vanda orchid that I didn't bring inside all year and was quite happy until that March freeze, it was so late and lasted for hours. Thankfully, I sent you some pretty pictures a few months ago when it was blooming her little head off. Now, my inside orchids are budding and should have multiple blooms soon. I'll show you when it happens.

We're having a lovely spring, in the 80's daily this week, although it did get in the low 60's several nights after long, heavy rains. Rain is good, but all my feeders need help and I'm not sure today is a day I can do that work. we'll see. Off to the PCP soon re hospital follow-up and whatever. Not worth the visit...

Sunny, how do you do it? I love the spawn counting you do and admire your stamina to still get out there hiking, crossing landslides, etc. You are in excellent condition to be able to keep that up. Congratulations. And, it sounds like the river's coming back, with more fish. That's wonderful news. How long was your trek out in the cold and wild? You are a good soul to do that for the fish and for us all...

Lori, how about some pictures of your lovely lake? Or, maybe you're at home-so, when do you get back to the lake to share some beautiful nature with us? You take beautiful and interesting pics that tell your story so well. Thanks for all you do...

I hope to plant my steel planters with succulents, that are growing in the pots not planted yet. They're doing so well, I can't wait to have the energy to plant them and hang them on the wall. That's a project I really want to get finished to enjoy seeing every day. My poor squirrels are not happy. I give them peanuts in a tube feeder, they are voracious, but now they're gone and they're mad at me. They go from feeder to feeder, several have safflower seeds...ha, ha, ...so they move on. I love it. Several they can't get to, finally figured out where to put them for birds only. several are empty because they jumped on them and spilled most of the seeds on the ground.

This year, I have had a huge family/group of ground feeders that also use feeders. Small, brown, and gray with black, rust, and white. Sparrows? Finch, tanager, waxwing, titmouse, chickadees, cardinals, and woodys all eat the peanut suet balls in the tube feeder I still have out. I may refill once more and switch to peanuts or sunflower since it's getting hot. So much fun!

Enjoy the day everyone. Whatever the outside is now, tomorrow will be different...today is lovely. blessings all...Elizabeth