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Thanks, I wil have to try her. I have been going to two pain specialists here is Palm Desert and four nerve blocks and one cortisone shot-all to no avail. This week I am having a MRI on the knee and if they can"t find anything they want to do a spinal injection which I do not want to do., so maybe this lady could be my answer. Pain with every step, also up the lateral side of leg which to seem like IT band syndrome.

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Replies to "Thanks, I wil have to try her. I have been going to two pain specialists here..."

https://www.painscience.com/tutorials/iliotibial-band-syndrome.php?id=5038217 The author IS selling this tutorial but does provide a generous amount of free info.

Whoops! I agree with you @judyangel, a spinal injection is scary. Would you be able to tell me the name of your surgeon? What are the pain specialists doing? I have never seen anyone else talk about nerve blocks and cortisone post-TKR surgery. Let me know if you need help from my MFR therapist to yours. My super helper's name is Amy Danielson. I think Gina might just know her. She has her own clinic here and has about 20 years of experience.

She has been able to work with the PT to resolve issues. Good luck and please let me know how it goes. If necessary, I can help you work things out from here in MN and I am happy to do that. Remember that the IT band is constructed of fascia and can be removed with MFR.

May you be safe, free, and protected from inner anad outer harm.

@kjs1964 Hi, you might get help from counterstrain, MFR, and craniosacral therapy. To find a therapist who does this type of work, I enter it into the search engine in your location. It truly helps and is such a blessing for me.