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@cmb2022 Happy Easter, Chag pesach sameach, Happy Sunday, however you celebrate. I hope you are seeing sun today and far less snow. We had so much rain this week that the snow is almost gone although it's been cold with flurries the past few days.

I apologize for waiting so long to reply. I've not been on Connect much the past few days as work and the family stresses I wrote about earlier have consumed me. With this weekend and the opportunity to rest I'm feeling better.

Wow, I don't recall a physician ever giving me their personal cell number. Your gynecologist is so empathic. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have someone on your team who listens to you and cares for how you feel?

My 3 month follow-up is on April 26 - a little more than one week away. Mayo Clinic is a full day drive from where we live and I/we have done this drive so many times that it feels like the car just knows the way. I do feel blessed to have the insurance that allows me to go to Mayo Clinic and to have the cancer care team who surrounds me. Perhaps this is much like your gynecologist?

Like you, there are days I feel more like a cancer victim instead of a survivor. I feel defeated, exhausted, and just want to curl up in bed. But then other times, in fact most of the time, I realize I am more of a survivor. The term "survivor" implies empowerment and is in charge of their own healing process. Do you think there are times you feel like a survivor?

How are you feeling today, my friend?

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Replies to "@cmb2022 Happy Easter, Chag pesach sameach, Happy Sunday, however you celebrate. I hope you are seeing..."

Hi @naturegirl5 ,
Happy Easter to you. We had a small dinner with my sister and her husband and grown children and grandbabies. It was very nice.
I hope things are going okay for your family. I keep you and them in my prayers.

Yes, it was super nice of my gynecologist to do that. I didn't reach out to her (but I did think about it). It did make me feel blessed to be in her care.

Our weather has been cool and rainy for the most part. We did have some snow flurries and today it is fairly cold. I am so anxious for warmer weather.

You are very blessed to have good insurance. Mine isn't the best and the surgery was more expensive than I imagined, but I am blessed to have funds to pay it.

Honestly, I don't feel like a survivor. I keep hoping that will come. I seem to get tired much more easily than I ever remember. By Thursday I am exhausted. On Thursday and Friday after work I napped and I never have done that before. I am so happy that for the most part you feel like a survivor
I pray for a good week, nice weather and safe travels and most of all for a wonderful report as you head to your checkup. I can't wait to hear about it .
Enjoy the rest of your day my friend!