Aromatase Inhibitors: Did you decide to go on them or not?

Posted by nanato6 @nanato6, Oct 12, 2018

Nanaloves: I’m about to start arimidex and just feel that the contraindications , bone issues etc. are overwhelming. I’m 70 years old, dodged a bullet I feel with zero stage DCIS but the follow up is pretty much no different then if it was more aggressive. I’ve just done 33 treatments of radiation and now they advise arimidex as a preventative. I’m not sure with the beginnings of arthritis and lower back. sensitivity already that I should take it. Anyone not take it and not have a recurrence within the 5 years.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm reluctant to download and open a pdf to my devices. Can't you post your information as text?


Maybe it's just me, but I'm reluctant to download and open a pdf to my devices. Can't you post your information as text?

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I tried but I kept losing it and having to redo it!

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I tried but I kept losing it and having to redo it!

Sent from my iPhone

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Ah, the tiny telephone keyboard, lol. Thanks for trying and maybe you can post it later in full.


Ah, the tiny telephone keyboard, lol. Thanks for trying and maybe you can post it later in full.

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I totally sympathize! Because of the small keyboard I tend to always go to my desk top computer as much as possible.


I am going to say that I understand there are concerns with many of the medications our oncologists prescribe. I would also like to add some perspective to the conversation from a person who has MBC and has lost every woman in our family, overwhelmingly to breast cancer for generations. Science changes all the time. The treatments I took originally barely resemble what most women are prescribed today. The treatments my mother took have no resemblance of today’s treatments, let alone the treatments or lack there of that my grandmother took. I would also like to point out that the mortality rates have changed equally as drastically. When my favorite cousin was diagnosed when I was a child, it was a very fast death sentence, and we all understood it as such. So we can point out the downfalls of side effects but let’s also celebrate the lives they save and the years that they gain. I for one will be able to look back and say it wasn’t easy but I don’t have any regrets from lost opportunities because I refused it out of fear.


Saw onocologist April1 12, to ask about not taking anastrolozle. I had 9 questions to ask but when I handed them to him he said, no, you tell me.. So I started, he then started off how I should take the meds and I needed to go to Swedish hospital and have a jaw dropped. I said do you not know I already had a masectomy? and raised my blouse. He looked stunned and said to excuse him a minute. I saw him about two weeks ago and he prescribed the pills. He came back and said he understood from my question to the nurse on the phone was whether I wanted a masectomy. Really believe he did not have my chart at all. Said he respects my decision to not take pills and left. Lump was smaller than an inch and had not spread to lymph nodes. No history that I know of cancer in our family. So decided to eat lots of greens , take some recommen ded herbs. Still have fluid buildup under my arm. Drain removed two and a half weeks after operation, seemed plugged up , no drainage coming out. She.
took,one and a half cups of fluid and stiill wearing ace wrap . can do the drain one more time and then a drain will have to be installed. my husband of 65 years passed away April 9 21. I miss him to talk to about all my problems so I really do appreciate all the input I have been getting from everyone. I t has eased my mind some. Family is all in KS. I have a 62 year old son who has been helpful. Thanks all


Saw onocologist April1 12, to ask about not taking anastrolozle. I had 9 questions to ask but when I handed them to him he said, no, you tell me.. So I started, he then started off how I should take the meds and I needed to go to Swedish hospital and have a jaw dropped. I said do you not know I already had a masectomy? and raised my blouse. He looked stunned and said to excuse him a minute. I saw him about two weeks ago and he prescribed the pills. He came back and said he understood from my question to the nurse on the phone was whether I wanted a masectomy. Really believe he did not have my chart at all. Said he respects my decision to not take pills and left. Lump was smaller than an inch and had not spread to lymph nodes. No history that I know of cancer in our family. So decided to eat lots of greens , take some recommen ded herbs. Still have fluid buildup under my arm. Drain removed two and a half weeks after operation, seemed plugged up , no drainage coming out. She.
took,one and a half cups of fluid and stiill wearing ace wrap . can do the drain one more time and then a drain will have to be installed. my husband of 65 years passed away April 9 21. I miss him to talk to about all my problems so I really do appreciate all the input I have been getting from everyone. I t has eased my mind some. Family is all in KS. I have a 62 year old son who has been helpful. Thanks all

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Oahu, I so sorry for your losing your husband. I've probably nearly talked the ears off of my two closest friends since the Bad News Biopsy last September. They know to listen carefully, listen for any important salient point that I might have missed when struggling with decisions about this surprise and just listen for any factual misstatements or short cuts in the process in case I aready have a bias toward a certain course of action. Or are ,oolong for the easiest path, not necessarily the best. I would bet that your husband was all that and more.


I can certainly respect your choice of not taking AI, but I would question wether or not you need to try and look for a new oncologist. It is possible he got you mixed up with someone else but in oncology, that could be really bad if not for you speaking up.
I am guessing if you have a 62 year old son you don’t have a ton of estrogen naturally to be concerned about. With a small tumor and no history that should further give you peace of mind.
I could not imagine doing this without my husband. My thoughts are with you. When is your next appointment with oncology?


I can certainly respect your choice of not taking AI, but I would question wether or not you need to try and look for a new oncologist. It is possible he got you mixed up with someone else but in oncology, that could be really bad if not for you speaking up.
I am guessing if you have a 62 year old son you don’t have a ton of estrogen naturally to be concerned about. With a small tumor and no history that should further give you peace of mind.
I could not imagine doing this without my husband. My thoughts are with you. When is your next appointment with oncology?

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He was my all...


He was my all...

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@oahu, I invite you to join members who are also experiencing loss and grief in this support group:
– Loss & Grief

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