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@naturegirl5 , oh my. I am very sorry you have had a stressful week. I keep you and will add your partner and son to my prayers.

Oh how nice that you are on retreat. I hope you enjoy some time away and are able to relax and not stress for a few days. Oh, enjoy the special treats as they don't come everyday!

My elderly mother requires a good bit of attention/help and while I still am under the weather she needed some things today so while I would have rather stayed home and rested I ran some errands for her and picked up some necessities that we both needed.

My gynecologist is wonderful. I don't think I mentioned that she did my biopsy on the last working day that her office had before Christmas and she told me my results would take longer than normal because they were closing for the holidays. She said she would be in the office one day before the end of the year and if she had them she would call me as she knew I was very concerned. She called me on New Years Eve and I missed the call because I was helping get my mom into her house after running some errands. When I heard her message to return her call I called immediately and she told me she had left the office, but knew I was anxious to hear about the biopsy. She explained the results and then told me that the number she had given me was her personal cell and that if I had additional questions or was worried to please call her even if it were 4 in the morning. I was amazed that she would make such an offer to someone who was almost a stranger to her. I am forever grateful to have been referred to someone so compassionate.

We are getting snow here too today. I sure hope that spring comes soon.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and take care my friend.

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Replies to "@naturegirl5 , oh my. I am very sorry you have had a stressful week. I keep..."

@cmb2022 Your gynecologist certainly went above and beyond. As you wrote she very much understand your anxiety about awaiting your results and then made certain that you had the results as soon as they became available. Isn't it wonderful when someone who has known you for such a short time understands that this was not only a physical diagnosis but also affected your whole being?

It's wonderful that you live close enough to your mother that you can help her as needed.

The retreat was a working retreat. It's first time we have seen one another in almost two years because of the pandemic. So, in addition to our strategic planning work we had lots of time for socializing and recreation and rest. There was an opportunity for snowshoeing but I elected to stay in my room and nap.

As I reflect on the weekend this was the first time I've been with this group as a cancer survivor. I volunteered to take the lead on two of our initiatives; one short term and one long term. In the back of my mind I wondered what I can accomplish and whether I may need additional cancer treatment down the road. Now that I am almost three months out of radiation therapy I feel a little more accepting of what the future might bring and that I have no control over that. That's the whole purpose of these every three months follow-up appointments.

I hope you have had a restful Sunday as you ready yourself for the coming week, my friend. I can smell Spring in the air.

@cmb2022 Happy Easter, Chag pesach sameach, Happy Sunday, however you celebrate. I hope you are seeing sun today and far less snow. We had so much rain this week that the snow is almost gone although it's been cold with flurries the past few days.

I apologize for waiting so long to reply. I've not been on Connect much the past few days as work and the family stresses I wrote about earlier have consumed me. With this weekend and the opportunity to rest I'm feeling better.

Wow, I don't recall a physician ever giving me their personal cell number. Your gynecologist is so empathic. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have someone on your team who listens to you and cares for how you feel?

My 3 month follow-up is on April 26 - a little more than one week away. Mayo Clinic is a full day drive from where we live and I/we have done this drive so many times that it feels like the car just knows the way. I do feel blessed to have the insurance that allows me to go to Mayo Clinic and to have the cancer care team who surrounds me. Perhaps this is much like your gynecologist?

Like you, there are days I feel more like a cancer victim instead of a survivor. I feel defeated, exhausted, and just want to curl up in bed. But then other times, in fact most of the time, I realize I am more of a survivor. The term "survivor" implies empowerment and is in charge of their own healing process. Do you think there are times you feel like a survivor?

How are you feeling today, my friend?