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What problems have you had with Tamoxifen?

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Jan 25, 2023 | Replies (67)

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I am going to be 72 this coming June. My sister just died last Friday of triple negative breast cancer. Monday would be the one year anniversary of when she was diagnosed. My mom died of breast cancer at the age of 77. My sister was 77. If I am only slated to live another 5 years, which would make me 77, I don't want to spend my time in pain and being a sick person trying to fight side effects from drugs. So, I will likely take the radiation, but I am going to probably skip the Anastrozole or the Tamoxifen because I don't need to be fighting against the side effects. I am still thinking about, and am going to explore Artemisinin to see if it has less side effects. I don't really care if it is not yet proven by a whole pile of studies - at some point Tamoxifen and all the AI's were in the testing phase also. I guess my outlook is different than a lot of younger people - If I were 20 years younger I might feel differently.

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Replies to "I am going to be 72 this coming June. My sister just died last Friday of..."

@shortie0650, my condolences for the loss of your sister. I can imagine losing both your mom and your sister to breast cancer heightens your concerns about your own cancer journey. I applaud you for doing your research, asking questions, and gathering evidence-based information along with the experiences of other women on this forum.

I wasn't able to find your actual diagnosis. Can you remind me of the type and stage of breast cancer that you have?

However, if part of your treatment plan includes an aromatase inhibitor or tamoxifen (a SERM), then you do not have the same type of cancer as your sister (triple negative). That means that your journey will differ from hers. It is also important to note that everyone experiences treatment differently. Many women have mild, few or no side effects with AIs or tamoxifen. They are less likely to seek the support of others on a forum like this. As noted in another thread arteminsinin is not a substitude for an AI or a SERM or hormonal treatment for estrogen-positive breast cancer.

You can read more on this informative website:
Hormonal Therapy https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/hormonal-therapy
Hormonal therapy, also called anti-estrogen therapy, endocrine therapy, or hormone therapy, is used to treat all stages of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.