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I'm , 80 and just finished having a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I was so miserable in menopause, I said i didn't want to take Tamoxifen. He said, "fine. At my age, if it comes back in later years, I will deal with it then rather than feeling horrible with the years I have now.

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Replies to "I'm , 80 and just finished having a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I was so miserable..."

After my lumpectomy I didn’t want do either chemo or radiation, taking into consideration AFIB (arrhythmia).
OncoDX test isn’t significant because chemo was out of
question. Therefore, having tamoxifen is prevention ( as I have been explained) from metastatic to other body organ.
The Tamoxifen can affect endometrial and ovary. Those issue should be watched because the estrogen reduction .
It is many topics on NCI( national cancer institute) website .
What I relay on is the some injection, that
supposed to improve the immunity .
And if the cancer is reoccur I will deal with it later???

I'm a retired RN I've found doctors are more than happy to get into deep explanations with someone who understands medical things. Plus, I had a friend who had the same cancer treatment as I did. She took Tamoxifen for over 2 years, then she couldn't stand how it make her feel any longer. We have the same oncologist. In reality, he said it only cut the chance of reoccurrence down a little bit. So, we are opting out. For someone that can stand the side effects, I would be all for it.

Curious why would you take tamoxifen at age 80? Wouldn't you take an aromatase inhibitor? As I wrote before many of us have few or no side effects from these meds. If your pathology showed low risk, including Oncotype, size, ER status, grade etc. this could be a reasonable decision, but I would not be afraid of AI's until tried.