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Had masectomy March 9 And prescribed anastrozole for 5 years, I am 86 and take no prescribed meds, just vitamins and herbs for 50 years. I want no part of this med because of side effects. It will affect my complete way of life. Can I not find some natural way to lower estrogen? Am I destined to spend the end of my life taking this drug. I would appreciate any ideas on where to go from here. I see Oncologist this am to tell him I feel very uncomfortable with this drug. I hope he is understanding.

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Replies to "Had masectomy March 9 And prescribed anastrozole for 5 years, I am 86 and take no..."

I know this is a personal decision and at 86 I think I’d skip meds and enjoy my comfort.

I had virtually no side effects from an aromatase inhibitor and neither did my friends. Please don't assume side effects will happen. This is the downside of forums and med reviews: people tend to post more when they have side effects. I miss my Femara! I felt safe on it.

As for a "natural way" to lower estrogen. People need to understand that any side effects from the aromatase inhibitors are FROM estrogen deprivation. If there WERE a way to lower estrogen to that extent naturally, you would have the same side effects!!

What was your estrogen score? What was your Oncotype score? These are also relevant to your decision.

Oahu, good for you to take control of your life. At 86 you have obviously taken very good care of yourself! Your doctor can inform and advise you about your medical care, but the decisions about your health remain with you. At age 86, your body likely isn’t producing much estrogen anyway. Thus, I’m with you on your decision not to take drugs that lower your estrogen even farther. Why should you put up with the side effects of these drugs if it’s not truly necessary. Hopefully your doctor will be understanding and can suggest other alternatives. Good luck, and keep posting to let us know how you are doing. 😀