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I have been post covid for 8 weeks after 3 weeks hospitalization due to covid pneumonia. Just got of my oxygen during the day a couple week ago and I have terrible coughing jags, and cough if I try to talk. I use a PurMist with Eucalyptus twice a day for moisture in the lungs, as well as rescue inhaler. Does anyone have problems with this and if so, any remedies? I usually cough lozenges constantly.

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Replies to "I have been post covid for 8 weeks after 3 weeks hospitalization due to covid pneumonia...."

So sorry to hear of your suffering. I too suffer from the after effects of covid pmeumoia with the 24/7 oxygen and coughing with cough drops. I use a nebulizer with albuterol and ipratropium-it helps to break the irritation that seems to make coughing worse. Hot drinks seem to help too but time and pulmonary rehab exercises have helped the most. I still have bad days and I`ve been home 6 weeks after 5+ months in hospital...2 months in icu. I have been learning from physical rehab how to strenthen my breathing muscles. Also I learned that I cough worse if my room is not cool . I wish they knew more about this ordeal but I have been slowly progressing so I know we can overcome this. I could hardly speak without coughing for months but it is better now. Today`s weather seems to make my coughing worse....I call it`trying to cough a lung up`. You are making progress with your oxygen which says something about your strenth. Please hang in there...some days you just have to believe it will get better.