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B-6 vitamin danger!

Neuropathy | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (292)

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Welcome @terrilea57, Thanks for the reference link. Have you also been diagnosed with neuropathy?

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Replies to "Welcome @terrilea57, Thanks for the reference link. Have you also been diagnosed with neuropathy?"

Yes. My neuropathy started last fall and at that time I was diagnosed with low B12 which can cause neuropathy. After my b12 was up ( and I had been supplementing with a B complex) I had more blood work done with a neurologist. My b6 was high at that time. More tests confirmed I have small fiber neuropathy. Still not sure of what caused what. My symptoms started about a month after the C19 vacinne… I came across the website and Facebook group on b6 toxicity that I mentioned above and have been encouraged by the results many people have reported.