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Just got diagnosed with paradeptal emphysema by CT scan. Recently had total hip replacement surgery and apparently the anesthesia didn't do anything for me. I recently started having upper Left back pain and when I lay down on that side I have shortness of breath. My oxygen levels are high, lungs look clear from an x-ray, no pneumothorax, liquid, or gas was found in the CT scan.

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Replies to "Just got diagnosed with paradeptal emphysema by CT scan. Recently had total hip replacement surgery and..."

Hello, again Anthony. Paraseptal emphysema (PSE) is a type of pulmonary emphysema. Emphysema involves damage to the tiny air sacs or “alveoli” within the lungs. In PSE, the outermost parts of the lungs fill with enlarged air spaces. This can cause breathing difficulties and other respiratory symptoms.

WHat symptoms were you having to get a CT scan? Were you a smoker, or are a smoker?