Good evening @teschang and welcome to Connect. We are patients who agree to share their experiences in hopes that they will help others. I also had my second TKR last August. I don't remember having pain in my foot from neuropathy after the surgery. It sounds like you are looking for some help but not that much.....e.g. lumbar spinal injections.
Let me ask you a question. Do you have tingling and numbness on the foot? Those are also symptoms of neuropathy. Some folks have only those symptoms and no pain. I have all three. Here are some of my tried and sometimes helpful suggestions for you.
1. I receive MFR therapy twice a week especially on my feet because I need to be able to drive. The fascia in and around your feet can become restrictive. The release that comes with MFR helps.
2. I use a topical medical cannabis balm on my feet. It is made by Papa and Barkley and you can find it online. I use the 3:1 CBD/THC for daily/chronic pain. I also keep some 1:3 CBD/THC in the drawer for those times when I experience acute pain.
3. Are you familiar with Yoga and a pose names "Legs up the wall". I do that for a few minutes every morning which seems to make my feet much happier. You can find diagrams online by just entering the name.
4. Since you are only four months may still be healing. Are you sure there is no swelling?
If so, have you been using ice?
5. Are you able to sleep with your foot elevated? That always helps.
What opioids are you currently using? Is it your goal to get off them?
And finally, at least for tonight, many of our members have these same battles with neuropathy symptoms in the foot of the TKR leg. I don't think I have seen a surgery issue be responsible for the discomfort and pain.
Please let me know which options you may wish to try.
May you be free, safe, and protected from inner and outer harm.
Thank you for the suggestions and I am going to try the yoga and pick up some CBD/THC . I am 6 weeks PO so it’s pretty early in my recovery. As for the MFR, can that be found at most spa’s /massage therapy places?