Thank you for reply.
Agree on every word you said I have also checked all searches, that coming my way.
I have noticed, the descripancy in thereports not very cleared and have some contradiction.
I asked for OncoDX. test, and tumour marker. Was willing to pay for, because here in
Canada all protocols treatments are under government insurance.Was refused
because I didn't have chemo !!! I also was surprised about my cancerous lamp, I have spotted last year at the age of 80.No history of family cancer.Only my benign nipple discharge more than 15 years ago. Decided to go only for bilateral lumpectomy and watch.
At older age the cancerous cells slowly develop.
Started Tamoxifen ( hormone therapy for ER positive)
I went on for holistic treatment ( Mistletoe injection), that suppostedly support immune
system. Will see result.My cancer is resent surprise for me!!!
Editor's Note:When looking for and evaluating complementary therapies, please refer to NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrated Medicine (NCCIH) website
In the section "Health Topics A-Z" current therapies and conditions are listed explaining the most recent evidence, cautions and potential of future studies.
Here is their information on
– European Mistletoe
"European mistletoe is not a proven cancer treatment. It should not be used as a treatment for cancer outside of clinical trials."
Thank you for posting the mistletoe information. It looks interesting and I'm increasingly curious about things that might help the immune system. I hope that you're doing well.