ME/CFS and loss appetite

Posted by karina77 @karina77, Apr 15, 2019

Hey guys!
I am a 17 year old female with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis(known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Orthostatic Intolerance! Iver these past few months I have experienced a loss of appetite. At one point I lost about 10lbs, but managed to gain it back! I have difficulty eating a large amount of food, I feel sick after, and the thought of eating also makes me feel sick. I have never thrown up from this, but I just feel really sick. I’m fighting through and I have gotten such incredible support from those closest to me! Everyone on here has been so kind, loving and helpful! Love you all💕 Any answers would help:)

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Interesting that you feel cold. I'm much colder than most people most of the time. Keep my house very warm. Outside, 80 to 85 is the perfect temp
for me. I personally haven't found any doctor with any treatment suggestions. Exercise doesn't work. Get post exertional malaise. Did go to pt and have a few exercises I do before bed each night. Have definite limit. No one really seems to be able pinpoint what this disease is. But's here and it's been here for about 40 years. That's as long as I've had it. Started to read about it when I got it. Have always been fascinated by the fact that it seems to have bloomed just about the same time as the AIDS epidemic. No one has tied the two together. Still, I find this fact interesting. Hope you feel as well as you can feel.Think it might be helpful to form a talk group on Connect so people can compare symptoms and medical experiences.


Hi @dan1940, welcome. Let me introduce you to a few other ME/CFS members like @petuniamom567 @karina77 @rarelybees2889 @chaun2947 @clutch @sita @elik @jmmb @susangs @canadagal @sundance6 and others.

Dan, you might also be interested in reviewing the posts in this discussion:
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) treatments

Being active can be helpful. People with chronic fatigue syndrome who experience a worsening of their symptoms after physical, mental or emotional effort may have post-exertional malaise and it can last for days or weeks after the exertion.

Have you experienced post-exertional malaise? What helps you find a good balance between activity and rest, to remain active without overdoing it?

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I definitely have postexertional malaise. Recently spent about 2 months sitting sleeping in chair due to sciatica pain. I have hurt shoulder and hip because of overall weakness so still recovering from that. I thought lyme/mold infections cured after 2 years good treatment. So I can’t tell if I get lyme/mold flares, or still weak from sciatica or in fact it’s CFS. Thank you for response.

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