← Return to Aromatase Inhibitors: Did you decide to go on them or not?

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Did the woman who ate the dried plums mention why they help or hopefully do? I've read about all the major anti-resorptive drugs and the side effects are worrisome. I'm hoping that healthier diet and post-lockdown return to gym will stave off loss of bone density. My oncologist did ask if people in my immediate family suffered broken bones, wrists, etc., beyond things like sports injuries and the usual childhood stuff as genetics play a part. And stressed any activity that can help one's balance, e.g., yoga or tai chi.

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Replies to "Did the woman who ate the dried plums mention why they help or hopefully do? I've..."

@callalloo Yes, she did provide a reference regarding the beneficial effect of dried plums on the bone density of post-menopausal women. I believe it was the Florida State University study mentioned in this article: https://plantmedicines.org/dried-plums-prevent-bone-loss/
@gillooly, Your side effects from anastrozole sound horrendous. I just started this drug myself, with trepidation. Like you, I have had no early bad side effects, so far, just some leg cramping that I can deal with. Also, my most recent BP was 118/69, which I would like to maintain. Your estrogen level of 11.7 seems really low so that one has to wonder if estrogen blocking would be that helpful, which I think is reflected in your ONCO numbers. (In comparison, my estrogen is +98, PR +97, ONCO 8. and distant recurrence with AI/Tam at 3%, so w/o a hormone blocker about 5-6%) From what I understand, AIs reduce local, regional, and new primaries about 50%, and distant recurrence about 35%. Grade, size of tumor, surgical margins will all affect this risk. Are you going to get a second opinion for treatment? I did, and I found it helpful.