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Hey @joelf, I wanted to say welcome. Let me see if I got your timeline correct. You have COVID 54 days ago. 1.5 weeks ago your self-test showed you were negative for COVID infection. But 2 days ago you tested positive and you feel awful - sore throat, wheezing and poor sleep. Have I got that right?

Sounds like reinfection to me, but I'm not a doc. Did you get that confirmed?

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Replies to "Hey @joelf, I wanted to say welcome. Let me see if I got your timeline correct...."

Hi Colleen. Thank you. Yes, it is a confirmed reinfection. I am being treated with a combo antiviral, Paxlovid and I am on day 3 of 5. I have not experienced an illness like this before, especially without having a fever. I did have a fever early on, but now I have of joint pain, muscle twitches, dizziness, sleepiness, a lot of coughing and wheezing, sore throat, and a horrible metallic taste in my mouth. My cough is mostly unproductive, but when I do get something up, it is thick and white.

Doesn't it seem strange to have a reinfection so soon? I even received a booster vaccine after the first case. Perhaps I got it too soon, or this is a variant that the vaccine does not cover.

After my first infection I had tremors. My provider started me on propranolol and seems to have stopped those. I had patients ask me if I was nervous because my hands were shaking. I was afraid Parkinson's was setting in. I just want to be over this and go back to work!