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My experience with Small Fiber Neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: May 24, 2022 | Replies (85)

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I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. I was finally diagnosed recently after twelve years of not knowing what was wrong with me. I have Small Fiber Neuropathy that has affected my heart, lungs, digestive tract, bladder, legs, arms hand and feet. I have been sent to physical therapy for issues with my left side and I am also being sent to a pain management clinic for help with the pain. I take Lyrica (300 mg per day), duloxetine (60 mg) and NSAIDs for the neuropathy. It does not seem to be a kind illness when it comes to pain but I hope you can find some relief. There are others on this forum that use differnt things like heat, epsom baths, vitamins/minerals, diet etc that might help you. I have found this forum to be very informative and helpful.

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Replies to "I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. I was finally diagnosed recently after twelve..."

Yeah the symptons are changing, sometimes get worse and sometimes get better but they are asill there. Now my reflux coming back and Im taking esomeoprazol, my feet dont ache as much but they get very red as well aa my hands. I have sleep problems because my legs burn and my feet are cold. I put a cushion below my back and take tryptizol 10 for yhe night. I wake up sometimes sweating like a madwoman. Im still jogging but sometimes I feel dizzy or lack of energy.. I had a sweat test both hands and feet my sweating was proved poor but in the limits.. Im getting rid some shoes because they hurt and I can get hot food with my fingers not feeling anything.. I take a lot of extra suplementd and also nuceodol and im trying to get rid of my pregabalin.. I got rid also of gluten because I was proved sensibility to gluten and my stomach seemed to get better. I listen to asmr videos while trying to get some sleep and i enjoy that relaxing time those whispers provide me. Im doing all this but still dont have a Sfn diagnosed.. Only suspected. Im waiting for a corneal microscope my private nerologist is buying after easter . I live in northern Spain and so far there not many cases of Sfn . They are investigating other autoimmune deseases. I hope you also are doing as well as you can, just like me, trying some stuff we have heard in the forums. We need to have faith. Good luck