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Hello, First comment through here as I am searching for answers myself. I feel as if I can duplicate what you had wrote except I chose not to be medicated even though the gave me gabapentin. I am a personal trainer very physically active (or at least I was as I have had to retire a few of my favorite outdoor activities like running) The neuropathy I experienced started 1 year ago after my recovery from covid 19 The year has been filled with a long list of tests and doc appointments to no avail. It started in my calves and feet after a walk/ run with a client. then after my second vax it went into my arms . Now 1 year later I have non stop tingling feet, legs, arms and face. It sometimes feels as if I am wearing lead thigh highs and it is not painful ( there are times ) but irritating and constant. I have scheduled my clients with breaks in between so I can take 'power naps" to work through my day and am physically and mentally exhausted when I get home. I have had to reschedule people so it is affecting my quality of life daily.
I created a time line of how things happened through the year and would really like a second opinion from Neurology as I am in the Mercy Health System. There is definitely something wrong with my nerves. I currently am not on any meds nor was I before the start of this. It was almost reliving to hear someone else has this too. I am not the only one. Have you found any answers yet?

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Replies to "Hello, First comment through here as I am searching for answers myself. I feel as if..."

My Alexander Technique instructor who had COVID-19 fairly recently has been doing acupuncture. She too I know is working on increasing her endurance. I have observed she has made some back to back (Alexander) appointments so perhaps she has found acupuncture helpful. She was able to work out a exchange in professional services with the acupuncturist, you might be able to swing a similar arrangement.

I’m sad to share that I have not found any answers for our condition. I do have an virtual appointment with Northwestern’s Long Covid Neuro Clinic on March 23rd. I have been waiting over 8 months for this appointment. Hoping they have some insight on our neuro involved long Covid. If you are interested in learning more about Northwestern’s clinic it’s easy to find by just googling them.
I too get intensified symptoms after activity. Though I will say many days there is a continuous present thrumming under the skin. I was also very active before Covid. Runner, hiker, distance cycling. I have had to give up all of it. When I have a good day, even a slow walk around the neighborhood, with assistance of my cane, can land me with over active nerves, muscle twitches, extreme leg weakness and tremors. And since the booster shot I got the end of Dec, I get all those symptoms in my upper body, back, arms and hands too.
I had mentioned in a previous post here that I am very curious about the research on micro clots in the blood possibly causing symptoms that mimic neurological symptoms. The information I saw was research coming out of South Africa and Europe. I’m wondering if they are re looking for this is patients in the US. It will be something I am sure to ask when I talk with Northwestern next week.
Lastly, I wanted to share this resource. https://youtube.com/c/RUNDMC1
I have been following Gez for the year now and find the information he shares as VERY helpful. Maybe some others following this thread will find this helpful also. (Hope it’s ok to share this here)