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I had Covid in April of 2020. Was hospitalized for 7 days, on oxygen for 7 months, need a CPAP-melatonin10mg-50mgbenadryl to sleep, on 4 BP pills, antidepressant, daily headache & migraine 3 times a week if I do anything. I can do some things lifting and carrying more than 25 lbs/drinking alcohol/shopping/dancing and if I’m not paying attention and do too much it is what you are describing 1-2 days after. It feels a little like a day after head banging from a rock concert. My whole life has changed, before I got my CPAP I wasn’t breathing 489 times for 30 seconds a night so have some pretty serious brain damage. I had a full time job, was a supervisor, a party friend, a cool mom, an amazing wife, an over celebrator. Everyone says I will find new things to do, have new hobbies, get better but it is so slow & coming up on 2 years. It feels like I’m the only one who is dealing with this & no one understands.

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Replies to "I had Covid in April of 2020. Was hospitalized for 7 days, on oxygen for 7..."

I understand, and so do many others, so you are NOT alone. I have daily headaches, nightly insomnia, pains through my neck and shoulders, and fatigue with nausea and dizziness. Feels like a constant hangover for 2 and a half years. I do have fewer days now where I lie in bed half alive and half dead, so I tell myself I’m getting better, but it’s just a very long road. I had a very full life, and now I do jigsaw puzzles and read - no more job or trips or 3 mile walks. Hang in there - eat healthy, celebrate the better days, go slowly, and yes, accept your new life for now. Things will get better if we advocate for ourselves and push the medical community to help us find answers. My best to you and all of us who are in this fight with you!

Muchas veces me e sentido así pero ay muchas personas que están igual y aunque los médicos continúen sin darle nombre y mandando a los enfermos a psicólogo es como tú te sientes esa es tu única realidad yo espero que esto algún día termine pero mientras ay que seguir viviendo con lo que se nos presente a mi me ayudo mucho la teoría de la cuchara aunque a veces ya ni cucharas tengo.

I understand -"it is so slow & coming up on 2 years. It feels like I’m the only one who is dealing with this & no one understands."