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Ha Ha sure . I had made a drive the morning I realized I was really in trouble . Drove about 45 min to my Dr. then went into Walmart to pick up my prescriptions got to my car and drove back here to my small town where I needed to pick up drinking water - I was in the center of the store when i became so tired panicked needing to use the restroom so bad but they do not have a public restroom . The panic was so bad I freaked out and yes was urinating on myself - I did get to the front of this store where I walked out to my car and set for an hour calming myself to drive home . NO I did not take my oxygen this day and lesson learned . I am still not fully over that day and the panic . I am on medication but at that moment as it hit was a defining moment how much trouble I was in . I did use the restroom in the Walmart before making the drive home but when you become out of breath something causes this to happen . I am really now limiting myself and planning better lol

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Replies to "Ha Ha sure . I had made a drive the morning I realized I was really..."

I'm glad that you got home safe and sound. It is a very scary feeling to all of a sudden feel like you can't breathe. Do you think that the cause was due to your not having O2 with you or that you felt panicked about something? That was the cause of mine.

I was trying to get out ahead of everyone when deplaning from a flight and couldn't inhale. In my rush, I held up a lot of people which made me panic even more. I forced myself to move over to the side of the ramp until I could slow my breathing down. That's the trick!

What further changes, other than not forgetting your oxygen can you make to help avoid this?