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Thank you so much for your kind words. Thank you for telling me that we all have bad days or are upset about our diagnosis. I felt like I was wrong for feeling like I do. I have a close friend that is great to talk to, but feel comfortable sharing here with everyone too. Thank you for the comfort wishes too! They mean so much at a time that I am extremely unsure of so many things. ❤

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Replies to "@valentinaz Thank you so much for your kind words. Thank you for telling me that we..."

I'm so glad you have a close friend who is good to talk with. I remain humbled by my friends who were so supportive during and after my surgery, and especially during my chemotherapy (yikes, that was a nightmare!). And I'm glad you're considering that you're not "wrong" for feeling (or not) a certain way. All of our feelings are valid; it's our behavior that needs moderating. I constantly remind myself of this! Uncertainty is a part of all of our lives, but those of us who've experienced a health crisis have had to face that uncertainty head-on. Most of the time, and certainly before my diagnosis, I could avoid looking at uncertainty. Now, I have to practice getting used to it. Hope today is a better day for you!

@cmb2022 @valentinaz @rose53 @esikora
This is wonderful. You all have kind words and support for one another. That's why I love Mayo Clinic Connect. We've been through it and can provide for support for another.

@cmb2022. While I sometimes don't like how I feel or I'm having a hard time I have learned to tell myself that there is no "wrong" when it comes to how I feel about how cancer has affected me. Most of the time I don't know what I want when someone asks how they can help. Just the fact that they asked and are willing to help is often what I need in that moment.