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Good luck @eileen. I have had some real doozie doctors in the last 15 years. It's like they engage their mouths before they engage their brain. I was at an appointment one time and was explaining how my feet were feeling, "like they had ace bandages wrapped around them real tight, and were swollen". Then pearls of wisdom spewed forth, " well, they're not swollen now...." She was bending over my feet down on the floor. I had some very tempting thoughts right at that moment. Maybe, if you keep leading your doctors in the right direction they will figure things out. Here's hoping, Dannybee

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Replies to "Good luck @Eileen. I have had some real doozie doctors in the last 15 years. It's..."

Hi Danny ee, I have seen so real doozies myself. I had literally lived in the emergency room these 7 months. I had a cT scan last summer which showed inflammation in my stomach near my colon. The doctor would only say go buy some mirelax. What? My former gastro after hearing all my symptoms ignored them and asked if I wanted to go on a antidepressant. I said no. The only good thing thing about him is he did refer me to the motility doctor that I'm seeing virtually on Monday. I'm hoping for the best on that visit but I'm nervous. My new pcp who is actually a Dr I used to see is the only one who believes I have gastroparisis. He told me today to just tell the motility doctor thT Reglan is helping me and to speak up for myself. Which I will do. Just hoping for the best.