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Hi, I will try to make my story as brief as I can.
I am 67 years old and until 4 years ago I was active running, biking , hiking, cross country skiing etc. I was healthy and happy.
In June of 2018 I had an electrocardiogram done and experienced some burning in my rib cage where the technician was pressing with the probe.
Two days later while lifting a table I got electrical shocks all through my thoracic region. This went on for three days and I was afraid to move, if I used my arm I would set off a shock. I went to the emergency room and they could not find a cause. I had an MRI of my spine but it was fine. My upper back thoracic region was very painful when I walked or used my arm, I could not rotate my trunk. I developed chest wall pain.
My Dr. tried prednisone but it didn’t help. I then took gabapentine for a while but it really wasn’t helping. I tried CBD tincture and lotion but it didn’t help. Tried Prozac , that helped a little.I saw numerous specialist , did massage, acupuncture etc nothing helped.
I was unable to run, swim, hike cook etc
This has been going on for 4 years, has interfered with my and my husbands retirement dreams. He has been a saint.
Recently a friend of mine who has neck pain told me she just started taking duloxetine after trying various other things and that it was really helpful. She had no side effects.
It convinced me to give it a try. It is helping, I’m not 100% but feel a lot better pain wise. I started swimming and will try biking once it warms up. I live in Maine.
First time in 4 years that I am hopeful that things will get better.
I am also starting a meditation class through the Benson Henry institute in Boston at the end of the month.
Hope this info helps.

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Replies to "Teresa, Hi, I will try to make my story as brief as I can. I am..."

Hello @crlwks269

It is good to hear from you. It sounds as if the past four years has been difficult for you. The discomfort you are feeling has certainly changed your lifestyle. I have to commend you, though, on searching for answers and trying new meds, therapies, etc. to find some help. It can be easy to give up when you don't experience relief right away. Persisting as you have done is the key.

I'm glad that the Duloxetine has helped, to some extent, with the discomfort. I am glad that you have been able to increased your activity level and are now hopeful again. The meditation class sounds like a great idea!

I would like to hear from you periodically with updates. Would you be willing to reach out to others who have unexplained chronic pain?

@crlwks269 Hi Carol, I'm Rachel, its nice to meet you. Thank you @hopeful33250 for the introduction and inviting me to the conversation.

Carol, you had quite the 4 year run of trying various treatments and medications. Thank you for sharing your journey. I'm glad you have landed on something that is bringing relief. How great that you are getting back in the water and swimming again after having had exercise be a big part of your life pre-symptoms. I like your spirit!

What other approaches have you taken towards symptom management besides medication, that have worked for you? You mention meditation. I benefit from meditation and think you will too.