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Anxiety or something else?

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Mar 15, 2022 | Replies (15)

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Hello @mariell, I'm Rachel, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing your story. I want you to know that I have lived in uncertainty and confusion just like you, and have experienced the physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms you describe. I, too, was an over-thinker and worrier. I, too, took pain pills. I, too, had been to specialist after specialist, tried medication after medication, treatment after treatment, been tested for autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, had EMG/Nerve Conduction studies, etc... I had a skin biopsy and was finally diagnosed with Small Fiber Neuropathy from a B12 deficiency and that may have explained specific nerve pain, but I had much more going on that doctors were unable to pinpoint or explain. At times I thought it was all in my head and I felt as though I was going crazy, but thankfully my family supported and believed in me and I got on a better path forward.

It is an accurate question to wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? Did we begin with a physical malfunction, emotional malfunction, or behavioral malfunction? Certainly one can feed off the other as you have already rightfully questioned. It's easy to begin second guessing, psychoanalyzing, catastrophizing and filtering. Mitigating circumstances along the journey of figuring things out can send our bodies in fight or flight mode which it sounds like you are in.

Do you mind sharing a bit more about yourself? May I ask:

Do you feel confident that doctors have ruled out all possible causes?

How long ago would you say this all began?

What do you think still needs to be done regarding the management of your health?

What does your daily routine look like?

I am happy to help further and want to see you succeed. I look forward to hearing back from you.

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Replies to "Hello @mariell, I'm Rachel, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing your story. I..."

Hi Rachel,

This has been so useful for me, as it has really had me thinking what did come first, I would presume at the time it all started with a panic attack and has spiralled since then, at that particular time I wasn't particularly stressed but I did have a heavy night drinking and lead to a bit of a hangover and feeling a little bit down in the dumps, and I suppose things have been on my mind, but they have just gone back and forth like this for over 2 months now, this started on 24/12/22 where started with panic attack, and no other symptoms and everything else developed. then for example on new years day, the burning and stabbing started one night, and it was quite bad, comes and goes, so its hard to say whether it is fibromyalgia as it's not constant, as I said I have tinnitus that come on start of Jan, and seen about ear wax, and audiologist, all said was fine, then the mri etc, and thought that wold be the end of it, but they haven't performed any other tests on me other than ruling out the bloods. is it possible to still have a B12 deficiency, even if the hospital said they were in normal range? the internal vibrations have eased off a bit but i still feel al over, and had this, yesterday my work trousers felt like they were itching and so uncomfortable like i was really sensitive to touch , the list goes on. I did used to go to the gym run around doing errands, and was generally full of life. i feel like this is knocking it out of me when i have a bad day it just ruins my mood and upsets me so i spent yesterday crying even with the pain killers etc, sometimes i feel like when is it going to stop. !

sorry to repeat myself il answer the questions below;

Do you mind sharing a bit more about yourself? May I ask:

Do you feel confident that doctors have ruled out all possible causes?

No, i feel like they hvant got the bottom of whats happening, because they havn't done a full body mri, they have only done to the top of my spine , not right down to my waist or legs where i experience the most pain, and causes most concern. they blamed the internal tremors or vibrations on anxiety. so i am week into my amitriptyline tablets now, and started taking naproxen to ease the pain if it comes about during the day.
How long ago would you say this all began?

24/12/2022 - started with just tingling, and then progressively moved onto stronger fuzzy feeling across all of my legs. sometimes senstive when i wake up too and stand on my feet

What do you think still needs to be done regarding the management of your health?
More checks regarding my nerves , and nerve damage, I seen a chiropractor 15/12/22 and she cracked my neck and also pushed into my back, that's the first and last time ive visited a chiropractor.

What does your daily routine look like?

get up, go to work, i work in an office, i work in sales so it is high energy generally, and then i like going out socialising, going to the pub, catching with my friends, seeing family. and cleaning the house and doing work in my house. i love travelling, and feel like i cant even enjoy that.