← Return to Issues with throbbing in neck: VNS or a thyroid problem

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Like @santosha I have no Thyroid or VNS experience but am interested in your Epilepsy.
You mentioned “My vitamin d levels have been low for along time”
Low vitamin D is common in epilepsy patients taking seizure medications. My seizure meds ares enzyme inducers which interfere with vitamin D. My mom had Thyroid problems and her doctor put her on vitamin D supplement so you might so it’s no wonder you D is low. Do you know what your level is? Have you discussed if your meds are responsible for your low D level and if you should supplement?
What seizure meds are you on? Has the I see the VNS helped your seizures. How long have you had them and what type/s.

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Replies to "@jaderm Like @santosha I have no Thyroid or VNS experience but am interested in your Epilepsy...."

They have been low for around a year. My epileptolgist kept telling me how important it was for me to take my d supplements. However I wasn’t taking it everyday. One I mentioned my thyroid problem he didn’t say it was due to levels being low for a long time but I wonder if that’s the issue as anti seizure meds do cause low d levels. Im currently on lamictal, Aptiom ( Onfi and Topamax. Diagnosed at age 12 now 36. Complex partials is what I have