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I was given this diagnosis last year. What can I do to heal my colon?

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Replies to "I was given this diagnosis last year. What can I do to heal my colon?"

Hello, @pruittycat I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Having an autoimmune disease means a lot of time management and coordination. Learn as much as you can so that you can advocate for yourself. Healing your colon means learning about diet, medications, and what to avoid. I’m adding this link to another discussion where you’ll find others talking about colitis. I know it says ulcerative colitis but that’s ok because much of the self-care is the same. Read the discussion and feel free to ask your questions.
https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/ulcerative-colitis-2/. Maybe some members will join the conversation. @joanie45. @helengee @lioness @dval @tahuna
I also found this discussion. It may be old, but worth a read.

Have you also talked with a registered dietician about what foods are safe to eat?

In reply to @pruittycat. I recently learned my lymphocytic colitis was gone on a colonoscopy this past summer (2021) at Mayo. Although everyone is unique, for me, I had to completely stop one of my medications and was advised to avoid all NSAIDS. I happen to follow a gluten free diet and do not drink alcohol or soda. I have a number of health issues, but I try to exercise moderately daily and get good sleep. Did that make it go away? The doctors didn’t know but advised me to keep doing what I’m doing.

Hi @pruittycat, you'll see I moved your post to a discussion about Lymphocytic Colitis. I did this so you can connect with others going through a similar experience.

Mayo recommends, "What should I eat if I have lymphocytic colitis? These include applesauce, bananas, melons and rice. Avoid high-fiber foods such as beans and nuts, and eat only well-cooked vegetables. If you feel as though your symptoms are improving, slowly add high-fiber foods back to your diet. Eat several small meals rather than a few large meals." --- Microscopic colitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/microscopic-colitis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351483

What have your doctors recommended so far?