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Biofeedback for Anxiety

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Apr 19, 2022 | Replies (11)

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Hi @flow65 I’m coming into this conversation a little late. But years ago, I did use bio-feedback for anxiety and panic attacks. And by years ago, I mean at least 38 years. I was 30 at the time. Obviously technology has changed a great deal since then but I had amazing results.

My bio-feed back sessions had electrodes on my head for brain waves and I think on my chest to measure heart rate. Have you ever had an EKG to monitor your heart? It’s that very same thing. The wires are placed on with little sticky tape. Nothing invasive at all!! And it’s not freaky or anxiety producing. Things may be much different now and even easier with computers and wireless outputs for readings.

But, basically, back then, while attached to the wires sending signals to this amazing new device, called a computer. (Haha yes, I’m that old!) there was a jagged but horizontal line across the screen. I had to do my best to keep the line as flat as possible using my thoughts to focus while various distractions kept popping up from time to time on the screen. It seemed impossible! However, eventually, with the feedback I was receiving from the monitor, I was able to focus only on my goal of flat line, blocking out everything else.
After that, there was a brief switch to mindfulness-based stress reduction to get me into real-life situations and not just being able to control a computer screen.

That ability to focus allowed me rise above any future debilitating panic attacks and I got my life back under control. I still have that singular focus when I need to get through a challenging time.

That leads me to this suggestion for you if you’re leery of bio-feedback. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction. It was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, of U of Mass Medical School. My daughter has participated in this course and the results have been outstanding for her. Here’s the link https://mbsrtraining.com/

You don’t have to sign up for the course, but you can practice some of the meditative ideas under the menu Exercises. There are other sites online and videos on YouTube you might like to try.
Have you tried MBSR?

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Replies to "Hi @flow65 I’m coming into this conversation a little late. But years ago, I did use..."

Thank you for the info. No I never tried MBSR.