Tramadol Helps with Exhaustion

Posted by keeptrying @keeptrying, Dec 6, 2017

Besides the constant pain, the exhaustion of trying to carry around 2 dead, numb legs (I call logs) exhausts me until I can do nothing. My neurologist prescribed a minimal dose of Tramadol for pain, but it is wonderfully effective at giving me some ENERGY so I can just do simple basic tasks. Anyone else either have this extreme fatigue or a Tramadol experience?

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Hello @keeptrying , welcome to the Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with an issue that causes a lot of constant pain and exhaustion. I find your reaction to Tramadol very informative and I appreciate @johnbishop connecting us so that I can share my experience using it with you.

I use Tramadol for moderate to severe joint pain. I am prescribed 50 mg 3 times daily but usually only take 50 mg to get me through my work day. I do not consider Tramadol a very effective pain medication but it does help and it's effects are unique. I take the 50 mg and about an hour later I feel a twinge of mild nausea that last maybe 30 minutes, I know the medication is kicking in when this occurs. I then feel unusually optimistic for about an hour, maybe two then it begins to taper off. By optimistic I mean that I want to become active, I begin to look forward to doing things at work and begin mentally planning after work projects. I had not thought of this as a boost in energy but more of an antidepressant effect. This reaction lasts for about 4 hours or slightly longer. I did ask my G.P. about this and got a funny look along with "Hmmmm".
I would add that I cannot sleep if I take Tramadol before bed. 4 hours before yes, but any sooner I will not sleep until the effects wear off. I am more alert driving and it never makes me drowsy and no euphoria.
I have read that Tramadol is closely related to some antidepressant medications and can have an antidepressant effect.
Maybe more than you needed to hear but it does have a unique effect.

@keeptrying do you find it difficult to sleep if you take it near your bedtime?


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I had almost the same reaction that you describe .


I think: pain is exhausting, worry is exhausting, dealing with these health issues is exhausting. The not knowing what is medically wrong is the worst and google does not help. I truly hope that they find the source of your pain.
If one feels that there is relief of some kind, that helps. This relief gives a person the ability to think of other things, hopefully happier, and that is the start, no matter how small, on improving.
Have you been in contact with any pain clinics?
And yes, I too live with pain, some days I deal with it better than others.


I think: pain is exhausting, worry is exhausting, dealing with these health issues is exhausting. The not knowing what is medically wrong is the worst and google does not help. I truly hope that they find the source of your pain.
If one feels that there is relief of some kind, that helps. This relief gives a person the ability to think of other things, hopefully happier, and that is the start, no matter how small, on improving.
Have you been in contact with any pain clinics?
And yes, I too live with pain, some days I deal with it better than others.

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@jfm I have a question about pain clinics, please accept my apologies for it being dumb… generally, what is their approach, methodology? I assume it’s definitely not about pushing pain meds. I am hoping it’s not all psychological treatment. though. Do they help analyze you medically, to steer you toward treatment types (like acupuncture, MFR, podiatry services etc). Do they give vitamin or nutrition guidance that may help body manage and tolerate pain?
I’m sorry if the question sounds dumb , I read a lot of people mentioning it, and I’ve seen a lot of office signs that say “Pain Management” but never investigated. As you know, we all get analysis paralysis by all the research and reading we do on everything under the sun about our conditions, and sadly our bodies can only take so much experimentation and office visits for what we’re all trying to accomplish, so if you or others can help me understand what tangible benefit Pain Management can provide, it will be a huge help in determining whether I should take a deeper dive into it.
Thanks for any help! Debbie


@jfm I have a question about pain clinics, please accept my apologies for it being dumb… generally, what is their approach, methodology? I assume it’s definitely not about pushing pain meds. I am hoping it’s not all psychological treatment. though. Do they help analyze you medically, to steer you toward treatment types (like acupuncture, MFR, podiatry services etc). Do they give vitamin or nutrition guidance that may help body manage and tolerate pain?
I’m sorry if the question sounds dumb , I read a lot of people mentioning it, and I’ve seen a lot of office signs that say “Pain Management” but never investigated. As you know, we all get analysis paralysis by all the research and reading we do on everything under the sun about our conditions, and sadly our bodies can only take so much experimentation and office visits for what we’re all trying to accomplish, so if you or others can help me understand what tangible benefit Pain Management can provide, it will be a huge help in determining whether I should take a deeper dive into it.
Thanks for any help! Debbie

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It is so hard to deal with pain that disrupts one's everyday life. Each pain management clinic is different as mentioned, so reading the reviews and or calling to see what the philosophy of the clinic works. If you have clear goals on what you want either with movement or pain levels, that helps immensely. Last year at this time I did not want to get out of bed because of the pain of putting my feet down, so that was my goal: getting out of bed with a tolerable amount of pain, and I went on from there. Now, after attacking my neuropathy it hums in the background most days.



It is so hard to deal with pain that disrupts one's everyday life. Each pain management clinic is different as mentioned, so reading the reviews and or calling to see what the philosophy of the clinic works. If you have clear goals on what you want either with movement or pain levels, that helps immensely. Last year at this time I did not want to get out of bed because of the pain of putting my feet down, so that was my goal: getting out of bed with a tolerable amount of pain, and I went on from there. Now, after attacking my neuropathy it hums in the background most days.


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Thanks, that is so helpful! You have taken a question I had that seemed so overwhelming to me snd helped grounding me to the basic approach of first being clear with my specific (bite size at first) goal, then make a call to a reputable place to see if their philosophy is in line with helping me accomplish that goal. That will help reduce the frustration and time & energy (that we don’t have) in considering pursuing that route.
That’s much more sensible to asking them to show me the world of offerings they may have, and me sorting through them to determine if they apply to me, and if they’re “real”.
My Neurologist is zero help to me outside of checking a box, seeing if I need more Gabapentin, and scheduling me again in 6 months. I will check my PCP next month when I see her for her thoughts as well. Thanks again for your helpful advice!


I am glad to help. Pain management needs to be catered to you and what you can tolerate to get there. Half of the battle is finding a provider that hears what you need to exist.
I will try to message you later.



Tramadol helps me deal with th h my pain . I am not as tired as I have been in the past . Dealing with pain tires your body out .


Hi, just saw your post ...years later. Yes tramadol helped me a lot with energy when I hurt my back. I later realised it was helping with another condition I didnt know I had at the time - PoTS postural tachycardia syndrome. Tramadol was lowering my heart rate and giving me energy, also improved mood.


Hello.I have the same experience with Tramadol.I can clean my floor and do things i would normally be to exhausted to do without the medication.Very strange but i gives energy, but Beware if you do to much the fatique will be dobble the next day.


I, too, have fatigue, low energy with my SFN. I feel like I’m carrying around 5 extra lbs. on each of my feet.

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