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i had my left knee (Total Knee Replacement) performed yesterday. So far I am totally happy! My husband is a Dr also but not ortho. We did medical research and decided the MAKO was the only way to go. You can google and you will find many articles. You need a CT ahead of time and the robotic software & Dr calculate size, placement, etc. There is less soft tissue damage using the robot. There are studies you can find online w the same surgeon performing a TKR on cadavers using the robot and not using the robot. I am on Day 2 and yesterday (day of surgery) I only took 3 narcotic pills; today I have taken only Tylenol. I am very pleased so far. PT today I had 95 degrees of motion. I am walking well, using walker, but really feel I don't need it. If you are in the Tampa area I can recommend my surgeon. He also teaches other ortho doctors on the use of the MAKO robot. Best of luck but so far...on day 2..this is much better than I anticipated.

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Replies to "i had my left knee (Total Knee Replacement) performed yesterday. So far I am totally happy!..."

Hello @stockmom and welcome to Connect. It was so great to read your positive post about your Mako Robotic surgery. I so agree with you. I was so amazed at the accuracy my surgeon was able to achieve with the robotic protocol. I too was able to walk sooner, and get going on my ROM quite quickly because of the reduction is soft tissue impact.

Was this your first TKR? It was my second and it just seems like all of a sudden I was scooting around the house without even remembering that I had recently undergone a TKR. I even mastered the stairs......one foot at a time rather quickly. Of course, that meant I had to go back to being the clothes washer.....no excuses about the stairs. I also started driving sooner this time. Sounds like we found the answer......unfortunately, I have no more knees.

Thank you for offering to share your experience with others. I hope some folks take you up on that offer.....or at least watch the Youtube videos.

What is your final ROM goal?
May you be free, safe, and protected from inner and outer harm.

Thanks @stockmom

You’re brave to already be on here so soon after your procedure….😎👍

I’m not in the Tampa area but I think I’ve found me a suitable surgeon in OKC….

Sounds like you’re doing remarkable. Quite encouraging. I suppose you’ll keep this board appraised of your recovery… Good luck to you.

I am a Snowbird that seasons north of Tampa and would So appreciate your recommendation on your surgeon. as well as any other tips, suggestions, words of encouragement etc about your experience with the Mako TKR. I am 74 and have a number of comorbiities so am especially anxious about TKR. Thank you
