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Hi, I also live in NH, Hudson. I’ve been through the ringer since June 2020 after ACDF 3 fusion surgery at Beth Israel. I started at Granite State Gastro and got absolutely no place after months. I even was sent to a doctor in Boston in error because PA misread results. I’m very forgiving. I retired from medical and everyone make mistakes. I ended up in March 2021 at Gastro in Brighams. After surgery my bowels completely shut down and I mean completely. Granite state did colonoscopy, sixth marker study which I failed completely and had a polyp removed during colonoscopy. Then I had mr defography. They tried one med after the other from prescription to OTC. I did decide to go to the Gastro dept at Brighams. Thinking bigger hospital and better than NH. I started with analrectal manometry, SIBO test, NM Gastro emptying and then Fl UGI series with small bowel. This entire time I was still taking massive doses of laxa and prescription drugs. I started pelvic floor PT as well because I had poor push in rectum. I’ve done that six months. I have no gallbladder, 15 years. I’m hypothyroid, taking meds. In the end September 2021 I was scheduled for total colectomy. I couldn’t do it so I canceled. I was and still am terrified it will just cause another issue. I decided to go natural, weekly colonics, mago7 supplements nightly, visceral massage and a naturopathic doctor. I’m off foods that I’m sensitive to also no sugar or dairy. I was great for few months but having trouble again. Diagnosis, severe colon motility, push issues, posterior peritoneocele. They say remove colon and I won’t be constipated or live this life. I’m living this life. Seeing a motility doctor now at Lahey for another opinion to see if she has her own thoughts. I have no reason why this just stopped. Keep in touch.. joanne

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Replies to "Hi, I also live in NH, Hudson. I’ve been through the ringer since June 2020 after..."

Hi Joanne,
I am so sorry for everything you are going through. i know it is not easy. i started getting sick at the end of june 2021. i was inthe ER 3 times in less than a week. the did do a ct scan it showed i had inflammation in my stomach near my colon. doc didnt help just told me to go buy miralax. primary dr at the time wouldnt help. i spent most of my time in the ER. i was told by two surgeons after my hida scan i had something else going on besides my gallbladder. gallbladder came out jan 17 but i only had trouble being able to eat more after that i was literally losing almost a pound a day. i went back this past monday to the NP i saw a few yrs ago and he is better than even some of the MD's. he listened to me, like noone else has. he said he thought i had gastroparisis and prescribed reglan. i started being able to eat again. my local GI a few weeks ago was clueless. he wanted to put me on a antidepressent i said no. i will never go back to him or that hospital. i do have a appt coming up with a motility doctor at dartmouth. my NP said to make sure i tell him the reglan is working. im so nervous though. what if he dont believe me or help me? i should add my stomach emptying at this horrible hospital was a joke. they gave me half a tuna sandwich and i know your suppose to have eggs and toast. so of course they said it was "normal" even though i didnt empty one hour out of four. what hospital did you have luck with in boston? i am in whitefield, up north. but i am originally from mass. keep in touch Eileen