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I am a 70 yr. old male, I was diagnosed with PMR in Feb. 2021 and started 20 mg prednisone for about 5 weeks and on March 10th my Rheumy dropped me to 15 mg. He has me take my dose at bedtime (about 10:30 pm for me) to help with morning pain. When i was on 20 my pain was low perhaps a 1-2 on a 10 scale and mostly in my hands/shoulders/pelvis. After a few days on the 15 mg my pain began to get worse by the day in the evenings. I would say went a 4 level in my knees, shoulders and pelvis along with my hands. Doc put me back to 17.5 and then tapered a bit slower. In July I started taking my daily dose at 7:00 a..m.

Doc has me taking a multivitamin and glucosamine as well as a Calcium/vitamin D3 supplement. I bought some Mag glycinate for the cramps and it seemed to help.

Today I am down to 5mg and I still have some early morning pain and pain when I stand after sitting for a bit. Pain in my hands is gone and shoulder pain is reduced, but I still have pain in the pelvic/hip area especially bad (level 7-8) if I try to stoop down low. Pain is in the 2-4 range typically and occasionally I take arthritis strength tylenol. Pain gets a little worse at the beginning of a new lower dose.

My experience with the prednisone is that it starts helping a lot about 2 hours after I take the dose and I feel pretty good for about 12 hours and then it seems to wear off slowly for 3-4 hours. Pain slightly elevated at bedtime.

Most days I walk 2-3 miles. i can tell I don't have the same energy level I had prior to PMR. My brain is frequently a bit foggy, not sure if age or PMR related. Anyway that is my story so far in this journey.

Good luck to you all in tapering ,and finding remission.

I find this forum very helpful!

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Replies to "New Member I am a 70 yr. old male, I was diagnosed with PMR in Feb...."

Glad to have you join and thanks for the story on your journey. I am going to suggest you take calcium citrate if you are not already doing so. You can do the research on the differences and reasons to take calcium citrate vs calcium carbonate and even discuss with your doctor if needed. I discovered calcium citrate years ago when I traveled on business. Flying dehydrates you and can result is muscle cramps. Calcium citrate provides me with rapid relief from a cramp. I realize everyone is different, but simply wanted to float the idea out there.
I wish I could walk 1 mile, but for now I am content with what I can do. One mile is my current goal.