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Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI)

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Feb 8 2:35pm | Replies (140)

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I am sorry you are going through this as I can relate to chronic UTIS, so I understand your frustration with Dr's. Here is my experience. I started having UTIS in my early 20's. After a few years of having several bladder infections, I asking Dr's why I was getting so many of them. Here was their responses (1) woman often get them (2) don't wear tight jeans (3) don't use colored toilet paper (yes in the 70's you could buy pastel colored TP.) We moved around a lot back then, so I saw a lot of different Dr's. After awhile a lot of antibiotics didn't work on me, except sulfa drugs and 7 days was not long enough to get rid of the infection so I had to take it for 10 days.

Fast forward to 11 years of having recurrent UTI's I finally found a "GOOD" Dr that (after only seeing him twice for a bladder infection) said "Has anyone ever tested you to see if there is a problem?) FINALLY!!!

He sent me to an urologist and he did all kinds of tests on me. It wasn't till the last test that something wrong was discovered. My ureter going from my bladder into my right kidney went straight through to the kidney. It is supposed to go through the wall of the kidney first before going into the kidney. What this did was allow urine to flow back up into the bladder which was causing my bladder infections. In the early 80's I had a ureter reimplantation done on the right kidney and that stopped the infections!!! After having so my infections for 11 years I was told my right kidney was 1/3 damaged and my left had enlarged to compensate.

I don't know what tests you have had done and I am not saying this is the cause of your infections because there can be several reasons why this is happening. My girlfriends daughter had several infections when she was younger and they discovered the reason for her infections was she had a pouch in her ureter that was collecting urine and then it would sit there stagnant till it got infected. She had surgery to fix this and she stopped having infections. I am just saying that I would be going to another urologist as there has to be something causing this to happen to you.

I wish you all the best and please let us know how your journey goes.


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Replies to "I am sorry you are going through this as I can relate to chronic UTIS, so..."

Going through a revolving door of "here, take this antibiotic" and no real discussion of possible reasons for the UTIS, I have lost faith in doctors. The fear of one day needing an antibiotic for a life threatening illness and none no longer work is frightening. I am in the process of trying to get an appointment with Mayo Clinic. I can only pray and hope. My life is at a standstill and feel no light at the end of the tunnel. Hearing that you finally got your answers, I am so happy for you. I feel for all the young people who may suffer a lifetime of misery having this chronic illness. Thank you for taking the time to advise. Kathy