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Hi Terri Well not taking it very good. Right now leaning on my faith because that is the only thing I have. I thought being diagnosed with bronchietasis and MAI were bad but never saw the emphysema coming. Of course I get on the internet and read and it seems to have the worst fatal outcome. I know the doctor tells me to stay off the internet but that’s hard to do. Mentally my mind just keeps thinking the worst . I wish someone could tell me how the heck you can deal with this. I thought I was a really strong person but now I know differently. I know that God is in control. When you have been so healthy and never going to a doctor this just knocks you for a loop. I will admit I have had some bad thoughts but trying to stay grounded. Karissy

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Replies to "Hi Terri Well not taking it very good. Right now leaning on my faith because that..."

Karissy, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this. I've had bronchiectasis and pseudomonas in my lungs and sinuses for over 10 years. Two sinus surgeries helped some with that area. Now I've been diagnosed with MAC, which is a whole new ball game, as I'm sure you know. I've had numerous health issues over the years but this is the first one that comes with a survival rate. It felt like a punch in the gut.
Like you, my trust is in God and I know that He knows the number of my days. In addition to leaning on Him for grace and strength, I started thinking about what I want and need to do with whatever time I have left. Since my husband turned 70 three years ago (I'm 67), we started "cross-training." He's teaching me how to deal with stuff around the house, like changing the furnace filter, and I'm teaching him the things I usually handle, like paying the bills online. We did our wills, too. Now that I'm staring at MAC, I'm beginning to think about things like giving a special bracelet to my granddaughter or going through some files no one would understand like me. It's given me some concrete things to do that will have to be done someday by someone and checking things off my list has bolstered my mood. I'm not being fatalistic and I have every intention of fighting this disease, but I'm also trying to be realistic that I can make things easier on my kids later if I take care of some things. Not sure if that helps but may the Prince of Peace touch your heart and mind this day.