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Elevating legs after TKR

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Feb 14, 2022 | Replies (13)

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I made it through surgery. My leg is swollen a lot. Exercises are difficult but doing what I can. I have my first therapy session tomorrow. I'll see if I'm doing things right. Questions I have so far is how often should I elevate my leg and for how long? I try and ice it as often as I can. I'm taking 5 mgs. of Oxycodone every 5 hours or so and Tylenol 1,000 mgs. 4 times a day. I'm hoping I'm taking enough. I'm not sure how much pain is too much pain. When you have rheumatoid arthritis you kind of get used to pain. So I'm just checking in with everyone to see if anyone else has any suggestions or experiences

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Replies to "I made it through surgery. My leg is swollen a lot. Exercises are difficult but doing..."

Hi @ktgirl. I am sure @artscaping and @loriaakre will be happy to hear you are 3-days post surgery. I noticed you had posted another discussion on elevating your legs, so wanted to move your more recent post back to give members an update and so you can keep sharing as you go through your rehab.

When my mother went through surgery, she was told to elevate 3x a day for 30 minutes each time. Did your doctor share what he/she recommended for you personally?

Greetings @ktgirl. Thank you for checking in after your surgery. It sounds like you are doing well and have some questions for your PT. As long as your knee is swelling and painful, you can continue your elevation and icing. I found that 20 minutes was a good time and 4 times a day worked for me until the swelling was gone. Make sure your ice isn't too cold or put a cloth between the ice and your knee. Do you still have an ACE bandage around your knee to keep it protected? Are you using a walker now? Make sure you take a stroll around the house several times a day to keep stretched out a bit.

Your pain meds are something for you to discuss with your surgeon or pt. I did not do that very well this time....and ended up having more pain than I think was necessary. I was happy to get back to my medical cannabis and only that for pain.

Would you do something for me? Will you tell yourself what a good patient you are.....and show compassion for your cooperative and non-complaining
attitude. When do you see your surgeon again? I loved my PT.....and trusted her to know when I needed input from my surgeon or his staff. She actually worked with my MFR therapist so that between the two of them, I was developing strength and reducing pain.

May you be safe, protected, and free from inner and outer harm.