← Return to CA 19-9 and pancreatic cancer: What do the numbers mean?

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I hope they got you started on the Onivyde quicker than my wife. I'm not happy with the oncologist's logic that the GAC/GA needed to stay the course. It meant extra months of a failing regimen. I really hope this wasn't an insurance requirement. For both of you, I'll be praying that the Onivyde stays effective and side effects bearable.

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Replies to "I hope they got you started on the Onivyde quicker than my wife. I'm not happy..."

Beach Dog
My wife had her scan 0n 1/21/22 after the 4 treatments of Onivyde and the tumors that increased in size while on Gemzar remained stable which is a plus . The Gemzar worked well for her post whipple in 2016 and a couple of years back but not this past Fall. Onivyde restarts on Tuesday 2/15/22 for another 4 treatment cycle.
Should also see CA 19-9 on Tuesday's blood work and hopefully those #'s will begin to fall once again
Still battling issues with Eliquis , continued coughing!!!
Has been a long journey that began mid 2015 but the fight goes on

I went on a clinical trial specifically for my rare genotype and did well for 2 months but then became resistant. They then put me the current regimen of Onivyde and few side effects and hopefully it is keeping things at bay. I will let you know how the CT scan turns out.