Changes in my feet, burning: Where and how do I seek relief?

Posted by ubikings @ubikings, Feb 10, 2022

Recently I started observing some changes in my feet. Yesterday I observed that my right feet went numb as if I wore socks. Please I need assistance on how to cope and seek relief from it. Also, am also having burning sensation under my feet and fingers. Please I need a reliable podiatrist base in India. I intend to visit to run a test and and if possible treat my foot as soon as possible. I am currently depressed
Please help.

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A podiatrist may not be the best person to contact. A neurologist may be more helpful at this stage.


@wwhewlett your point is noted. However, I still need a reliable and competent Neurologist and Podiatrist to handle my issue in India as my health is detoriating on a daily basis.


More opinion and suggestion is highly appreciated to enable me get back to my feet. Save a soul dear forum members.


Are you able to make an appointment with a neurologist? You may be a candidate for a nerve conduction study.. Have you tried using a heating pad to relieve the pain?


@pacer I have not been able to make an appointment with a neurologist, I am still searching for one in my location. For the heating ad, I will look for one before Wednesday. What about the issue of the podiatrist? I intend to visit India before the end of March to correct the abnormalities in my body and also to avoid future occurrences of any negative issues that will be detrimental to my health.

Save a soul, more suggestions and way forward, beloved members.


I'm not a doctor, but it seems you may need an appointment with a neurologist. In the U.S., that usually requires a referral such as from your primary care doctor. You could start with your primary care doctor.


Hello @ubikings and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I can tell this has been very concerning for you. Like other members have shared, a neurologist would be where I would suggest starting as well. The numbness and burning are fairly common neuropathy symptoms. How familiar are you with neuropathy?


I experience numbness and burning in my feet especially when I wear socks. So most days I go without socks. Are there loose fitting socks that will NOT compress my toes?


I experience numbness and burning in my feet especially when I wear socks. So most days I go without socks. Are there loose fitting socks that will NOT compress my toes?

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Welcome @jadisch, I've seen quite a few different toeless socks advertised. You might try search for toeless bamboo socks. I've had several pair of regular bamboo fiber socks and they are soft and comfortable.


Thanks John. What I need is something that doesn’t have a lot of elastic in the toe box. Is that what the regular bamboo socks have?

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