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I ignored my intwrmittent stomach pain and 2 ultrasounds that showed calcified stones that were still attached to the wall of the gallbladder. None of my doctors were too concerned so I let it go. I ended up in the ER septic with a gangreneous gallbladder that had to be removed right away. I could have died. Be sure your gallbladder isn't infected, which will require a good doctor who is willing to test you, before you attribute it to diet. A good low fat plant based diet is good but please make sure your gallbladder is not inflamed or infected or full of stones...don't make the same mistake I did. You would have thought I learned a lesson from my Aunt when she died from ignoring her gallbladder symptoms until it was too late. Please be careful.

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Replies to "I ignored my intwrmittent stomach pain and 2 ultrasounds that showed calcified stones that were still..."

Thank you for writing to me and sharing your experience. I have had one appointment with a surgeon's PA, who said she was new to the practice and wasn't sure my symptoms added up to removal of the gall bladder; she went out, checked with him, and reported back that I should have surgery and it could be done in three days. Well, I am caretaker for my sister and three days was not enough preparation time. I radically changed my diet about two weeks ago, had no flareups but do have morning abdominal pain; cruising along, i then foolhardly ate something I should't have and now I have just had 24 hours of non stop vomiting. I would have the surgery with this doctor because he has five stars and is recommended by my primary. I had been told if there was such a flare-up to go to a hospital here; when I called the squad last night they informed me that that facility is not a full-service hospital and they recommended that I not go to the local hospital ER because it is so backed up for beds. I took their advice, stayed home and the symptoms disappeard! Waited today for call back from this doctor's office but missed them due to another appointment I had. My huge dilema is that I must register a carI bought in Ohio no later than March 3rd at the Ohio Clerk of Courts office, in person with the car! Not what I had been told before, but this woman is at the top and, turns out, is a good friend of my daughter's. So, really, no way out of this trip. Long story there...but I have to decide if I should have the surgery as soon as possible and hope I am well enough to make the 700 mile trip (which normally I would enjoy) before March 3rd OR if I should just take off, get to my daughter's (she isa nurse) and make arrangements there. The question really is: will I be well enough to drive after surgery or should I just get going, watch my diet, and get family help? I have had no other tests other than a hospital ultra-sound. Thanks so any further advice you can offer. Sincerely, Theresa

Your experience is an exact replay of what happened to me. gangrene and all. All because the doctor refused to recognize the need to remove the gall bladder. In my last visit with him following an ER visit, when asked what now? He told me "do nothing".
The moral of the story is, get another opinion.

I had an identical experience. After a couple of late nite visits to the ER with pain and sickness and my Doctor telling me; "to do nothing" after I asked what do I do now. I also wound up with a gangreneous gall bladder having emergency surgery. It was a close call.
Let me ad another wrinkle of confusion. I had always blamed my post op diarrhea on the missing gall bladder, which may have been part of the problem. But another perceptive Doctor ordered a fecal test (no fun). It turned out that I had C Diff a serious bacterial infection. I was told this is not uncommon after hospitalization, rehab and prolonged use of antibiotics. I am currently being treated with vancomycin and a serious probiotic. Things have settled down to the point where I don't worry to much about locating restrooms.
PS There is an ap for your phone called "Flush" that will locate restrooms in your locale or when traveling.

I am seeing a common theme here. So sorry this happened to you all. Happened to me too. For over a year I kept telling my doctor at a military clinic how much pain and vomiting I was having (at least twice a week). Kept getting its a food poisoning diagnosis even though my pancreatic and liver enzymes kept climbing. They said gall bladder was fine on ultrasound. Ended up in hospital with ischemic colitis (basically colon started dying) and doctor said my gastrointestinal tract looked like a 70 year old man…I was a 25 year old female. I had a HIDA scan which showed my gallbladder was only functioning at 19% no stones, just not working. They did emergency surgery and removed it.

I know the surgery saved me, but I wish I could say it wasn’t with complications. I have bile reflux and too many GI issues over the years to list. There is some risk with the surgery so just educate yourself, take others advice about second opinions, and advocate for yourself. You know when something is not right. Try not to let doctors easily pass off symptoms as nothing to worry about.