← Return to Nerve Pain after surgery from achalasia, that I'm confused about

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I just watched the video and there are many aspects of what he was talking about that make sense.
The first being the it's going to be important for me to find doctors who will look at my entire history, because it is not clear why these symptoms are present right now. One aspect that I've had trouble finding doctors to take in to account and now seems even more important, is that I've been sober for twenty-one years and was incorrectly diagnosed as dual-diagnosed for years. I haven't taken any kind of psyche meds for over seven years. I came off the them because they made me quite sick, and frankly was giving far to many for years. The fact that the symptoms have never completely gone away only changed since coming off the meds seems to be important, if only to understand that further medication is not going to help. It's possible that history set me up for this to happen, and having two surgeries for in the middle of pandemic were the trigger. Because the symptoms are chronic looking at my entire history is even more important.
Right now I have a referral to OHSU, they have a voice and swallowing clinic, a pain clinic, and nerve center I think their a good place to start. There are also several neurologists in our state who do what called Nueromodulation therapy. I think this is worth looking into more. In some cases it can help. I think the closest doctor who offers this is in Tigard (that's just outside of Portland).

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Replies to "I just watched the video and there are many aspects of what he was talking about..."

@shack76 Congratulations on being sober for 21 years, Philip!! 💪
It sounds to me like you've got a good game plan. I'm happy the video resonated and you now have that knowledge. Not all specialty doctors take a look at the whole picture, nor do they have knowledge of CSS, but if you get into a great place like OHSU, I'm really hopeful they work together as a team. to find appropriate therapies and you get your voice and swallowing under control. Mitigating circumstances may play a role so don' be afraid to advocate for yourself.

On the note of psyche meds. Yes, the less chemicals in your body that can play a role with side effects and upregulating the central nervous system the better. It's great you've been off for 7 years and noticed positive changes. The goal is always to find self-help and holistic ways of helping ourselves to give our bodies and minds the best chance possible.

Will you please keep me posted on how the referral process goes and when you get an appointment at OHSU? I'm very happy for you! Think positive, my friend.