← Return to Cancer: Nothing about this is normal.


Cancer: Nothing about this is normal.

Cancer: Managing Symptoms | Last Active: Feb 13, 2022 | Replies (26)

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Absolutely nothing in my wife's or my life has been normal since her pancan diagnosis in July 2019. I know what's really happening but keep myself in a high state of denial because it's the only way I can stay hopeful. Most people think that covid restrictions were abnormal but their heads would spin if they had to layer pancan treatments and surgeries on top. My wife has had so many issues with food that she has PTSD and fears eating. Food shopping is an ongoing hunt for something that she'll be able to eat. Restaurant food may never the possible again. Vacations longer than the time between treatments and doctor appointments won't be happening either. Haven't been able to have visitors or family in 2 years. I can go on and on but I accept it all because it's 1000 times worse for my wife. I cheer her on and care for her the best I can but there's nothing normal about life when battling pancreatic cancer. I pray for her and all of you every day.

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Replies to "Absolutely nothing in my wife's or my life has been normal since her pancan diagnosis in..."

Talk to your Medical team about every issue.... food, talk to a dietician; emotional, ask for a counselor; vacation, ask if you can miss a treatment if you have something planned or want to. My oncologist told me that taking a one treatment delay was fine. That my emotional state was important. Having visitors; we do not have many and they wear masks but it is not NO visitors. I have had 3 Covid shots and my Flu for the year. I had my dentist send a plan of dental desires to my Oncologists and we decided what I could do and what to wait on. I attend my civic organizational meetings vis Zoom or in person with distancing and masks. We have gone out to restaurants and the owners know that I need to sit in a less congested area, they always help. I too had intestinal issues post-surgery but drank bone broth (& still do) to help with inflammation and ate a cracker with peanut butter or saltines alone as if I were pregnant. I also chew on crystalized ginger & drink ginger tea to help calm the stomach. I ate very small amounts before but many time a day to keep up stamina and protein. Waling actually helps the gut relax and being able to eat more and diffeernt things. Lately I'm in to Asian foods, especially noodles. I add high quality tuna under olive oil for protein or veggies that I steam..bok choy & snap peas or whatever I LIKE. Drink a lot, I am bad but try. I do drink High protein shakes. there is even one that is good for nausea if tht would help. I used Creon for a while but then couldn't see of difference. It did get better after about 6 weeks but I still have episodes and use Galviscon to help settle things...suggested by my Nurse Practitioner.
I know what your wife feels but I need to say to you that you are her main support and your mental health is very important to that support. YOU have to have an outlet. I have other family members, daughter, sister, nieces, that are there to physically and mentally support me, but my husband is my foundation and he is denying or avoiding the possible outcome as well...But I make sure that he has outlets he loves..GOLF with friends. My daughter and sister take me to Chemo most often so that he can do his usual golf day. Lately the weather has interrupted that plan and I can see the difference in his mental state. Please take time for you so that you can be better for your wife. Have her join this group just to voice her issues and talk to other patients. I find talking about my feelings with this group has been so good. I have gotten good suggestions on things. We are thinking about your wife and You. Life has change but create as good a new Normal as possible. Thank you for your prayers and I pray for ya'll...from the south.