Post Gallbladder removal diarrhea 2 1/2 months after surgery

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Feb 3, 2022

I was wondering how long you have diarrhea after gallbladder removal. It has been 2 1/2 months since the surgery. My doctors just brush it off when asked.

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My wife had her gallbladder out almost 5 years ago. Her doctor told her about 5% of people still have issues after surgery. My wife still has diarrhea sometimes, no rhyme or reason, doesn’t matter what she has eaten. Mostly good days but then a bad one pops up.


For me it has become a way of life. It' over a year and I plan my life around the location of rest rooms. Metamucil does help considerably.


Depends on what you eat. Gallbladder regulates release of bile so that when eating fatty foods, bile is released. However when there is no gallbladder, bile release is not regulated. Long story short, for me, a low-fat diet was the cure.


Eat probiotic foods.. like yogurt or take a probiotic pill. Finding the right pill for me took several months. Align is the one that helps me. Try whichever one at least two weeks before giving up on it. Metamucil will help firm “things” up as will ripe banana and oatmeal (not instant). I still have a dump day sometimes, but not liquid like it used to be. It was difficult to go anywhere.

Avoid greasy, fatty foods, keep sugars and artificial sweeteners at a minimum. Raw fruits and vegetables bothered me. .. but everyone is different. You should keep a food / bathroom journal to help you figure out your triggers.



I had my gallbladder removed almost a year ago and I suffer with diarrhea every day. I have to make sure I’m by a bathroom at all times. I am going for a colonoscopy and endoscopy at the end of the month to see if there is anything else going on. I’m sorry you’re going through this


Wow, it is so helpful to read everyone's comments - thank you each and all. I have just postponed gall bladder removal surgery in favor of changing my diet radically! My two daughters are vegan so they think such a change is long overdo anyway and have offered helpful suggestions, such as vegan mayo, using the Instapot for oatmeal and beans. Of course, for me anyway, it's a real challenge to accept the FACT that I need to make better choices and will sorely miss some of my old favorites...just thinking about what I can't have makes me want it more!!! For now, about two weeks into the changes, I am almost normal again though every morning I do have abdominal pain which goes away quite quickly. I am eager, curious, and hopeful that I can continue to avoid surgery. Wishing everyone as normal a day as you can hope for and thanking you for writing in and sharing. Yours, sincerely, Theresa Gifford


I had my gallbladder removed almost a year ago and I suffer with diarrhea every day. I have to make sure I’m by a bathroom at all times. I am going for a colonoscopy and endoscopy at the end of the month to see if there is anything else going on. I’m sorry you’re going through this

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Please post the results of your scopes if you don't mind. I will be following. Have they ever suggested you might have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) I hope they can figure out what's going on and help you. It can be a miserable way to live, always worrying about getting D at the wrong time and planning your life around the Diarrhea.


Wow, it is so helpful to read everyone's comments - thank you each and all. I have just postponed gall bladder removal surgery in favor of changing my diet radically! My two daughters are vegan so they think such a change is long overdo anyway and have offered helpful suggestions, such as vegan mayo, using the Instapot for oatmeal and beans. Of course, for me anyway, it's a real challenge to accept the FACT that I need to make better choices and will sorely miss some of my old favorites...just thinking about what I can't have makes me want it more!!! For now, about two weeks into the changes, I am almost normal again though every morning I do have abdominal pain which goes away quite quickly. I am eager, curious, and hopeful that I can continue to avoid surgery. Wishing everyone as normal a day as you can hope for and thanking you for writing in and sharing. Yours, sincerely, Theresa Gifford

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Hi Theresa, just keep an eye on the the abdominal pain if it gets bad please tell your dr. I ignored the abdominal pain because I didn’t know what it was and I wound up needing a bilary stent in my duct before they removed my gallbladder. I wish you luck and if you have any questions we’re here for you. Love Lauren.


Please post the results of your scopes if you don't mind. I will be following. Have they ever suggested you might have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) I hope they can figure out what's going on and help you. It can be a miserable way to live, always worrying about getting D at the wrong time and planning your life around the Diarrhea.

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Hi Annie, I will absolutely post my results. A few years ago I was diagnosed with IBS but ever since my gallbladder was removed it’s been hell. How much Vitamin D do you take a day? It’s a terrible feeling having to plan your day around diarrhea. I can never make concrete plans because I’ll never know how I’ll be that day. I hope you’re feeling well and thank you


Hi Theresa, just keep an eye on the the abdominal pain if it gets bad please tell your dr. I ignored the abdominal pain because I didn’t know what it was and I wound up needing a bilary stent in my duct before they removed my gallbladder. I wish you luck and if you have any questions we’re here for you. Love Lauren.

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That was such helpful information, Lauren. I read up as much as I can but had never heard of that before. I see my doc next week and will bring that up with her. Very grateful to you for taking the time to care to share. Sincerely, Theresa

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