Heart racing: Tamoxifen or AI side effects or other causes?

Posted by batm @batm, Jun 13, 2020

Has anyone had issues with a racing heart rate while on tamoxifen? I’ve been on it a little over a year with minor issues (hot flashes) but now have an increased heart rate. Same thing happened in prior year after only about a month on Arimidex.

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how long did you take tamoxifen before developing hyperplasia? What were symtoms....was their bloating and or weight gain stound middle of body


Yup. Bloating, weight gain, tree trunk legs (top to bottom). Fortunately, I only had to be on it two years then switched to AI per doctor (was my treatment plan). Once I started the AI this all went away.


I had heart racing and increased blood pressure while on anastrozole. I was in a study that looked at the way the levels of anastrozole affected the estrogen levels. I failed to obtain enough estrogen suppression on 1 mg of anastrozole after 10 weeks, so was then switched to 10 mg of anastrozole. After only a week, I was having bleeding and uterine pain, so I was advised to stop and have exited the study. My heart rate has now gone down, as has my blood pressure, bleeding has stopped, uterine pain also gone, since being off the anastrozole 10 days. I am waiting to hear if they want to start me on letrozole. I will insist on having estrogen levels after a month or so, as I refuse to take a medication that has such nasty side effects unless I know it is suppressing my estrogen. We all need to be our own advocates and do what is best for our quality of life. I am becoming a firm proponent in my own health. One thing that seems strange to me. The estrogen blockers seem to increase my weight, which, in turn, causes more estrogen production. Seems to be a case of diminishing returns . . . .


how long did you take tamoxifen before developing hyperplasia? What were symtoms....was their bloating and or weight gain stound middle of body

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Hi Lottie, I started Tamoxifen in March of 2016, and they noted the hyperplasia on a CT in April of 2017.
I’ve only ‘spotted’ twice since starting 20mg tamoxifen. I tolerated it very well for almost 6 years. I’m hoping I can stay on it at a lower dose. I will be having a renal ultra sound 2/14/22 to check my FMD renal arteries. I never had bloating or weight gain from tamoxifen.
My gynecologist wants to keep an eye on the hyperplasia every 6 months but is unconcerned at this time about cancer as the cells were benign.


I developed anxiety issues about 9 months after chemo and radiation for breast cancer. I had been on tamoxifen about 8 months. Blood pressure became high and had heart palpitations (racing heart beat). Wore heart monitor. Heart was fine. Started blood pressure medicine (amlodipine) and carvedilol for heart palpitations. On the lowest dose of both. Also began seeing a counselor. Seems to have helped the most. Fatigue, anxiety, nausea, hot flashes...all side effects of tamoxifen...I have them all. Oh, and also taking Eliquus to guard against blood clots. It has been a year and a half now and I just try to make each day the best it can be. Oncologist still thinks it is the best for me. Started taking two 10 mg tabs just before bed about 2 months ago. The two tabs are seeming to be a little better for me for whatever reason. Pharmacist said she had heard that from others. I also do meditation and deep breathing exercises. Just hard to know what will help with all he craziness that is going on. Take care!

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I wonder if reason two pills better is because its absorbed faster leaving stomach etc faster

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