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I am SO tired of the side effects of prednisone. The main culprits are blurring vision, lack of sleep, emotional lability, and weight gain/puffiness. Yuck! It beats the pain and immobility of PMR and I'll settle for it if I have to, but I wish there were an alternative that would work instead. I have passed an article on LDN to my general practitioner (who first diagnosed PMR) and she is going to check it out -- hopefully, she will find it acceptable as a safe and potentially effective replacement. I am concerned about how long it will take to taper prednisone before beginning the LDN, but it will be whatever it will be.

I never realized how a chronic illness can change a person until this PMR business struck. It is demoralizing to lose function and mobility -- never mind the pain. But even now that prednisone has given me back function and mobility and eliminated the pain, I still feel like a stranger to myself in many ways. The 'cure' isn't worse than the disease, but it is a VERY mixed bag. I know I'm not "entitled" to perfect health, but I so miss the healthy days of feeling up-to-whatever-came-along. I try to concentrate on being grateful for all I have had and still do have, but this is a harder path than I would have chosen, if I'd been able to choose.

Does anyone have experience with LDN that they could share in detail? Just looking to feel hopeful again.

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Replies to "I am SO tired of the side effects of prednisone. The main culprits are blurring vision,..."

You said it perfectly and how I have been feeling as well. As if our quality of life has been robbed from us. I don't know about LDN but I would like to ask my Rheumatologist next time. He was going to try me on Methotrexate but now that the Methoprednisolone (still an annoying steriod) is working he wants to stick with that now and start to taper in a couple of weeks. Even though my inflammation levels are normal (in my bloodwork) I can still feel the PMR lurking in the background so I'm nervous about starting to taper but I can't wait to get off these steroids!