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What a journey! I was diagnosed after a ice fall, simply did not get better so PMR identified, 3 years later manage pain with meds exhaustion never really goes away, Have worked up until November last year retired from a Director of Health position, stress was simply not good for me! I live remote no major hospitals or specialists within 6 hrs. Eventually diagnosed with GCA also. Inadvertently left on 35 mg daily prednisone for 6 mths, gained 55 pounds lost most of my hair. developed diabetes and hypertension, once specialist identified overdose tried biologicals to give me coverage while decreasing prednisone, unfortunately diverticulitis flared up so biological ceased, placed on ARAVA to cover while still reducing prednisone and developed peripheral neuropathy once confirmed on EMG Arava stopped. Finally Jan 12th prednisone stopped 12 mth of reducing. flare 4 days after every dose reduction but made it to zero! unfortunately only lasted 2 weeks and now in a major flare up all joints feel swollen and stiff very little sleep for three nights, cried out to husband to roll me over as i was stuck in a right side position and could not move to roll over due to strong pain. CRP elevated, process with Rheumatologist is to call when bloods taken results checked and secretary rings back with instructions, so secretary called me stated Dr wants you to increase prednisone by 1 mg i said i am not on prednisone? Secretary proceeded to discuss options for dosage? Dr is unavailable for another week i decided OK i will take 1 mg till i can talk with her, have taken 2 doses now and no recover yet? Does anyone else have this sort of lack of access to care? I am going to talk with DR when available and ask for a plan that does not require me to call her for dosage changes, subtle changes like increase 1 feel better titrate down etc. So very hard when it is at least 7-10 days wait when every joint is painful. On a happy note i lost all the weight, diabetes and hypertension gone and hair grew back curly not bad considering it used to be straight and i always wanted curly hair LOL, What i have learnt over the last 3 yrs is enjoy the great days buy a scooter like i have and use it to walk to the park with the grandbabies don't let pride cause you to stay at home and miss the important things!

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Replies to "What a journey! I was diagnosed after a ice fall, simply did not get better so..."

Thank you for sharing your story. I agree with going out and enjoying family. Quite a journey. I will say my rheumatologist is responsive although I’m unsure she believes me as I describe symptoms. I did wait 6 months to get in.. it’s such a bummer that you are relapsed . I’m on methotrexate and 5 mg pred. Side effects of methotrexate at max oral dose so I had to go back down. Best I’ve felt in a year. Seems not so many prescribe this for PMR, working for me.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. Five months before being diagnosed with PMR seemed like a whole lifetime and I cannot imagine what you've gone through. What a fighter! My family doctor of 29 years retired, but he did manage to get me to a Neurologist, who has agreed to look after me until I get into the Rheumatology Clinic here in Halifax (approx. end of May). I empathize with you. It's a long wait up here before we get into pretty much anything. MRI's 6 months or longer. Continuing with Prednisone 20mg for now which has helped immensely. Trying to balance out the side effects at this time. Yes. Enjoy the good days and do what you can and don't beat yourself up for what you can't do. I too had to leave my job and hoping to return very soon. Keep on keepin' on. ~ Deb