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Answers about Controversial Trends in Spine Care

Spine Health | Last Active: Oct 21, 2024 | Replies (36)

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@cbove2 I looked this up and this device is kind of like putting an elastic band around the bone spineous process in the lumbar spine to keep one vertebrae from slipping forward over the other in what they call a Grade 1 listhesis which means that the part of the vertebrae extending past the other is less than 25% of the diameter. This also presumes that the disc is intact enough between these vertebrae. As you can see, this is a very specific application and the way it preserves motion is because the disc is not removed and it gives a bit of stability, kind of like a brace would do. There are also artificial lumbar discs that allow some motion for situations when a disc cannot be saved. Here are links to information about the Limiflex Paraspineous tension band. https://www.limiflex.com/

This explains the grades of listhesis or slipping between vertebrae.
Do you have listhesis in your lumbar spine?

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Replies to "@cbove2 I looked this up and this device is kind of like putting an elastic band..."

I reviewed the grades of listhesis and according to MRI, listhesis is not a problem for me. However, I am almost bone-on-bone for the last 3 lumbar disks so Limiflex is not a player for me. I am an optimist, figure they will have some other breakthrough by the time I really need it 🙂 As you can guess, patience is not one of my visrtues, but I am a pragmatist and data-driven.