← Return to COVID vaccines and neuropathy


COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Nov 14, 2023 | Replies (2164)

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I took the Modern shots in January of last year. My last one was Jan. 29th. In March 6 weeks to the day from the last shot I woke up two days after I retired from nursing and had full onset of pin pricks everywhere including eyes. It took me two months to see a neurologist. I never asked about the shot because I hadn't heard anything about it. Didn't even think about it. I had EMG, lots of blood work and biopsy. The biopsy confirmed that I had SNF. Mine is idiopathic for now. I also have a burning pain in my left hand that comes and goes. It starts at the wrist then goes to between the ring and pinky finger. In April I woke up on a Sunday and my chest felt funny and I thought my palpitations were acting up. I have had them forever no big deal. Only it wasn't palpitations. My cardiologist had done some tests including a heart monitor and it showed my heart rate was 183 at its highest. I am taking metoprolol ER for the heart rate. I also saw a neuro-opthalmologist who did say the pin pricks are connected. My neurologist said it is rare for a person to wake up with full onset of what I had. I am going to see a Dr. soon whose hospital is connected to Mayo and I am going to ask for a referral to them. I saw one lady say it would be a year before an appt. But another Dr. said if the hospital is associated with Mayo I might be able to get an appt. I don't know. I saw something on here about people sending bloodwork to Germany? regarding the shots. I feel like my heart rate going up could be connected to my SNF because my cardiologist hasn't given me a reason for it being high. Thank God I had no other issues with my heart. I wonder somehow if all this is connected. I feel like it is. My pin pricks are annoying especially in my eyes and except for my heart I am luckier right now that a lot of other people who have a great many more issues than myself.

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Replies to "I took the Modern shots in January of last year. My last one was Jan. 29th...."

Did your cardiologist consider autonomic neuropathy as a cause of your difficulty controlling your heart rate? Many people with SFN also have autonomic neuropathy. Hopefully, Mayo Neurology will accept your doctor's referral given the severity of your issues.
The lab in Germany is called CellTrend Labs. You would need to have blood drawn here and ship the serum sample to Germany. They provide instructions on their website.
Many people in the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group are reporting vision issues after the vaccine.