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Thanks Teri. I had thought of Valerian as well, so I may just try your tea. I will forget about the Melatonin. When I'm down to a lower dose, hopefully I too will stop feeling like a super energizer bunny. Also, when my aunt had terrible osteoporosis, she in her 60's started doing Tai Chi. It was soft and slow and weight bearing and really helped her. She was in so much pain and to watch her do the fluid movements of Tai Chi was very inspirational. She also walked quite alot. Her sister, Ida, became a Yoga master in her 70's and lived to be 103 (just a side note). Two amazing sisters. Thanks again ~ Deb

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Replies to "Thanks Teri. I had thought of Valerian as well, so I may just try your tea...."

Thank you for sharing the stories about your aunts, @mild835. It goes to show we should never give up or view advancing age as a defeat rather than a gift. I hope the tea works - there are a number of the "relaxing" teas on the market.