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@mild835, Sorry to hear that prednisone is causing sleep problems for you. I never had that side effect. According the this article, taking prednisone late evening would make it worse.

"Timing of Doses -- Prednisone mimics a hormone called cortisol. This is a hormone that the body releases at times of stress.1
Cortisone levels are highest in the morning and gradually taper down as the day goes on. To reduce some side effects, like insomnia, once-daily doses should be taken in the morning with breakfast. Taking the dose of prednisone too late in the evening may affect your sleep." -- How to Lessen Your Prednisone Side Effects - Verywell Health: https://www.verywellhealth.com/lessening-prednisone-side-effects-1941741

The article goes on to say "Getting plenty of rest is also essential. This can be difficult because prednisone can interfere with sleep. One way to cope is to improve your sleep hygiene. This includes avoiding food and electronics before bedtime and sleeping in a cool, dark room. Some people also benefit from melatonin supplements available over the counter at drugstores."

The Sleep Foundation has some information on teas that may help you sleep better --- Drinking the Right Tea Can Help You Sleep: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/best-tea-for-sleep

Have you discussed your problem with insomnia with your doctor to see if they might have some suggestions?

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Replies to "@mild835, Sorry to hear that prednisone is causing sleep problems for you. I never had that..."

Thanks for this article John. Very informative. The sleep issues just started this week. I'm trying so hard to stay off of salt and any kind of sugar. Some articles say "no melatonin with Prednisone" others recommend it. I've got a call into my pharmacist to see what she says. I really don't think I will switch to night time doses, but some folks on here suggest it. No, not yet with the doctor (as I don't have a fam doc anymore; he retired). I may send an e-mail off to my Neurologist. I can't get into the Rheumatology Clinic until end of May and that's on an urgent basis. I have to say the freedom from pain far outweighs the side effects, but I need more than 2 hours of sleep and an afternoon nap anymore seems out of the question for my body. I did so much sleeping pre-Prednisone and now I actually have energy. Cortisol levels are probably the issue. I snack on frozen fruit, as you just have to dump it out of a bag. Started this when my hands weren't working. It's a refreshing snack (almost like a real-fruit popsicle).
Go figure this one. I was having trouble since starting Prednisone with my eyes when reading. Extremely irritated just like when you're almost due for a new prescription (which I'm not). Went to Opthamologist the other day. My vision has vastly improved in this short time. That being said, my prescription for reading is too strong now and so I'm using my previous glasses which are slightly weaker. Mostly the right eye. So now I will likely need a prescription change and I just got these glasses in October. The doctor said my vision with my glasses on is better than his. Also dry eye for which I now have drops. Flipside is that cataracts will develop more quickly. Ugh. A good sense of humor goes a long weigh with this, which I now have back. John, thank you again for your quick response. Always very helpful. Keep on keepin' on~ Deb