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PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Jun 1 1:21pm | Replies (445)

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Hi, John. Thanks for your reply. I haven't been keeping a log thru 8 mg (beginning at 15mg)because I wasn't having any pain at all. But when I started the 7 mg. and started having pain, I am now keeping a log as you had described yours recently, and that's what I modeled it on. This issue seems so basic to this disease, one would think it's a no brainer to a rheumatologist. Yet from the conversation on this site, it's anything BUT basic. I've had 3 conversations in 13 days with my rheumy. Each time he'd tell me to stay a few (4-5) more days at 7mg because I had pain, and then start tapering. All of his answers were similar. Never addressing whether or not I had pain. The 3rd conversation, I e-mailed him and I TOLD HIM I was going up to 8mg to see if it would help because now I've progressed to muscle spasms in my butt. He answered back stay on it 4 days, then go back to 7mg for 4 days, and then start tapering again. Again never addressing whether I had pain at that point or not. I'm losing confidence in this doctor. Do I start looking for someone else?

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Replies to "Hi, John. Thanks for your reply. I haven't been keeping a log thru 8 mg (beginning..."

I think what makes diagnosis hard sometimes is that there are a lot of conditions that mimic PMR. Maybe the doctor doesn't think it's PMR? I think if I lost confidence in my rheumatologist I would probably try and get a second opinion.

Diseases that mimic polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/diseases-that-mimic-polymyalgia-rheumatica

I asked my 2nd opinion Rheumatologist who I now switched to, point blank, should I be feeling any pain? and he said no, you should be 100% pain free. So that is what we are working on now - finding that right dosage.