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Has anyone had an elbow replacement surgery. I had arthroscopic surgery on my elbow last May and it hasn't helped and I had an X-ray done that showed severe arthritis damage. And now the doctors are talking about replacement surgery. I'm having knee replacement surgery February 10th. There isn't any way I can have another surgery for a year or so. The pain in my elbow will make recovery from the knee surgery more difficult. Any information would be appreciated.

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Replies to "Has anyone had an elbow replacement surgery. I had arthroscopic surgery on my elbow last May..."

Good evening @ktgirl. I am not going to be very helpful because I have not had an elbow replaced. Now if you want to try thumbs....(.I am just going through thumb #2), or both shoulders and both knees. I am wondering how I got through three fractures in my elbow when I fell down the mountain and ended up with a shoulder replacement. I wore a purple cast on my arm until the elbow had healed. It was summer and I think I was the only adult in the waiting room. The rest were youngsters who had fallen and broken something. They cracked up when they saw my purple cast.

I don't know how your elbow damage was different than mine....just know I survived without surgery. Good luck to you. Is that your dominant hand?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

I asked this before but just had the one response from Chris. Thank you Chris for that. My elbow damage is from RA/OA. I had arthroscopic surgery on my elbow about a year ago. That didn't help with the pain and a few months ago I had a guided injection done on it with cortisone which helped for a few weeks but is back to the normal pain again. My knee replacement is doing fairly well. I'm about 8 weeks out and contemplating going back to my "on my feet" all day job. Maybe just short days.
I know the only option now is joint replacement for my elbow. I listened to a Mayo Clinic podcast with Dr. Mark Morrey who did the last surgery on my elbow. He sounded very optimistic about replacement. Would like to hear someone else's story.